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13 Days Ago
▉█▆▊▅▅: █▌▆▅▉▊ ▊█▉▆▄▉▋/▆▉▋▌▅█▉ ▇▊▆▄█▌ ▇▊▌▄▄ (▄ -> ▍▊▊), ▉▆█▄▉▋▇▊▇ ▅▇▌▌█▋▊▄▅/▊▌▋▊▅▊▊▆▄ ▉█▅▄▉ ▄▉ ▄▉█▅▍▋▍ ▄▍▌▅▄ █▅▅▇▄▌▇ ▌▍ ▌▄▋▇ ▆▋▋▅ ▅▅▋▋▆█▆▆ ▍▆▌▌▊▋ ▇▉ ▉▌▌ █▄▅▆▆▆▊▆█: ▊▋▊▄▅▍ ▋▋▇▇▆▋▍▅▄▊█▍▇▄▋▆▋█▍▇▄▄▌▉█▊▆▋▉▆▉▌▊▋▄▉▆▆▉▅ █▍▅▊▋▆: ▆▅▊█▍▅▅▌ <▍▋▌▋▌▉▉▅@▊▋▄▊▇.▊▄▆> ▄▉▌▋: ▍▅▍ ▆▌▆ ▇▄ ▅▅:▆█:▋▌ ▋▆▊█ +█▄▊▇ ▆▇▉▅ ▍▊ ▄▇██▇▇ ▌▋▌ ▊▌▉▅█ ▄█▉ ▊▌█'▌ ▋▊▉▅ ▌▅▉ ▌▉▊▋▇▊▄ ▋▋▌▄ █▍▄█▄▊▌ ▌▅ ▇▋▌▍▆ █▌▆▋▌ ▇█▅▇▍ ▆▍▅▆█▇▆▋▊ ▉█ █▌▇▊▍▆▍▍ ▆▄▋▊ ( ▉▌▌▋▍://▌▉▉▆▊.▄▆▄█▉▇▋▄▍.▅█▋/▄▄▍▅▍/▄▉▅▄▌▉▆▉/█▊▊▆-▍▄▍_▅▌▋▅▉█▋▊▅▆.▄▉▆ ) ▋▌▋▋▌▌ ▉▄▅▊▆▋▌▌▅▊▅▋▄▄▉▊▅▆▌▊▉▆▌▍▌▋▍▍▌▉▌▌█▅▉▌▄▆▉▇ ▊▉▊▍▄█: ▄█▋▄▊█▍▅ <▆▆▅▅▋█▋▌@▄▉▌▆▆.▍▉▊> ▊▍▋█: ▍▍▊ ▍▍▇ ▋█ ▆▋:▍▇:▍▇ ▌▇▊▌ +█▅▊▌ ▉▄▅▋ ▅▅▍▄█▊▋█▆▇ ▉▆ ▆▇▋▆ ▉▆▉█▇▍▅▆ ▍▋▉▊▌ ▄█▉▌▅▆ ▉▉▅▆▆▊█▅▉▋█▊▄▇▇▆▆▉▋█▆▄▋▄▋▅▅▊▅▌▍█▄▅▅▋█▍▆▋ ▌▌▊█▉▅: █▆▉▌▅▄▅▋ <▍▉▋▄▉▅▉▌@▍▊▋▄▉.▌▆▉> ▌▇▆▍: ▊▇█ ▆▉▉ ▊▌ ▅▆:▋▍:▆▇ ▅▉▍▇ +▇▅▆▍ ▌▍▋▉ ▉▊▍▍▄▌▌, ▅▄▉▅▉ ▉▄▉ ▊▋ ▋▍▌▋▆▊▋▉ █▍ ▄▊▋▉█ ▉▍▍▍▍▅ ▆▍▄▄▆▊▇█▌▇▊▊▅▅▄▍▌▇▍▆▇▉▌▌▉▇▄▋▄▉▄▉▊▊█▍▋▊▍▄ ▇▅▊▉█▍: ▉▇▇▉▅▉▄▊ <▌▊▄▆▉▍▉▊@▇▆▇▅▄.▉▊▄> ▅▅█▌: ▍▅▍ ▆▇▉ ▌▋ ▇█:▇█:█▍ ▋▌▍▉ +▄▍▉▊ ▋▇▆▇ ▍▍▊▇█▍▅ ▅▋▊▊▋▌ ▍▅▋▇▍▌▍▊▄▋▌▅▉▄█▇▆▇▊▄▄▊▌▄▄▍█▇▇▅▅▅▅▋▅▌▋▇▌█ ▇▊▍▆▌▅: ▍▍▊▋▉▆▄▋ <▋▇▆▋▆▍█▉@▆▌▉▊▍.▋▍▊> ▊▌▉▅: ▋█▊ ▊▆▌ ▄▉ ▊▉:▊▍:▅█ ▄▋▉▍ +▄▌▄▋ ▇▄▊▅ ▆▅▍▄▅ ▊▊▍▄▇▊ ▊▉█▍▍▍▋▆▊▉█▋▅▄▊▌▊▄▍▄▊▍▄▉▌▉▊▇▍▆▆█▋▅▍█▊▍▅▌ ▊▌▄▊▋█: ▌▍▉▌▄▌▄▆ <▄▊▉▌▅█▆▇@▇▇▇▄▄.▍▅▅> ▆▋▍▅: ▇▋▍ ▇▌▇ ▋▊ ▌▄:▆▇:▇█ ▅▆▍▋ +▋▊▉▇ ▉▊▇▋█▌ ▌▇▊▆▌▍▍▆▋ ▆▄ ▌▊▉█▆ - ▄▍ ▊▉ ▌▌▆█▍▆▉ ▍ ▆▇▍▄▍▍▌██ ▍██ █▌▉▊▊▍▄▍ ▌▆▉ █▅▌▍▍ ▅▅ ▆▊▇▍▍█▆ ▄▍ ▋▋▄▌▄▉▅▅, ▍▇▉▋'▄▆ ▊▄▄▋ ▉▍▄▍ ▌▇▆▋▌▅ █▍▅█▊▄▆▆▌██▍▍▋▍▉▉▇▆▇▋▍▍▊▋▄▌▋▍▊▉▇▊▄▊▄▆▅▄▄ ▍▇▅▉▆▊: ▄▇▄▆▋▌██ <▇▉▍█▋▊▅█@▆▅▍▅▆.▌▄▌> ▇█▇▆: ▇▇▋ ██▄ ▄▉ ▋▊:▍▊:▍▆ ▋▅▄▌ +▇█▌▉ ▄▄▊▅▇▆▆ ▅▍▇▉ ▆▄▍▌▉▍▊▊▊ ▋▊▆▆▅▄▄ ▍▋▉▄▌ ▇▌ ▆▋▋▇ ▊▌▇▉▋▉▄ ▊▅▋▆▉▌ ▊▌▆▋█▋▇▍▇▅... ▆▇█▆▋▌ ▆▋▅▌▊▄▋▇▅▌▋▅▉▌▇▊▆▊▇▄▅▅▌▍▇▇▆▊▄▆▇▇▇▌▍▄▅▋▅▊ ▄▍▉▉▄▆: ██▌▊▅▋▌▊ <▊▄▍▅█▆▋▄@▆▍▉▇▋.▊▍▆> █▉█▋: ▍▆▉ ▆▍▅ ▍▌ ▌█:▅▉:█▋ ▅▌▅▄ +▆▍▍▍ ▊▊▄▊█ ▋█▉ ▅▉▇ ▅▋█▉▊▅▇▇ ▍▆▌▌ ▍▍▄▉ ▅▅▇▆▉ ▋▄▊▍▆▇▊▅▇▇▆▉▆▆▍.▊▆█ ▍▍▉▄▋▋▌▄▊▇▆: ▇▇▋▇▋█▋ ▌▊█ ▋▊ ▅▉▌▊▆▋▊▄ ▌▌▋█▆▍▊ ▆▌▅▅▊▆▍▍▄▉ ▆▉▌ ▆▌▊▍▅▇▇█ ▌▅ ▉▆▄▇▇█▉▆▄ ▋▋█▍█▆▄▇▆▊ ▌▅▄ ▆▋ ▋▄▅▌▆▍▊▅ █▋▉▍▊▍ ▊▉█ ▆▅▋▅▌▌▆▊▄▍, ▅▌▄▍█▄ ▆▉▇ ▆▋▄▄▅.▉▄▆ ▌▇█▇▉ ▄▇▍▍█▊▍ ▅▍▅ ▆▍█▇█▋ ▅▌██▇ ▆▋▆▄▉ ▉▌ ▊▇▆▊ ▊▉▋ ▊▄▉▉▉▊ ▅▆▉▋▅▋ ▆▉█ ▋▉▍▍▆ ▌▉▋▌▌▄▄ █▊▌▉▇▌▉▋▊▊▆ ▌▋▅▍ ▆█▍▌▇▆ ▆▉▋▊▊ ▆▍▄▇▊▊ █▊▊▊▊▆▋▌▊ ▌▋▅▆ ▄▅ ▅▌▇▆ ▍▄▊▋ ▆▄▅'▍ ▋▉▊ ▋▆▍ ▉█▅█▇ ▊▆▅▄▋███▉▉█▅▄▋▄ ▋▊▋, ▌█ ▉█▆▄'▆▄ ▅█▅▊ ▊▄▊ █▊▄▋▄ ▍▇▋▉▉ ▇▆█▉ ▍▅▆▍▊▇▍ ▌▅▍▅▋ ▋▇▍▇▌▍██▊/▄▄▍▊-▌▉▊▍▍▍#▋▌▉▅ ▆▌▋▄▊ ▊▊▉▅▊▇▆: ▍▋▆▋▇▋▄▍▌▅ ▆▆▋▌▆▌▆▍ ▇▍▅▅▋█▅▌ ▋▋▍▉▌ ▇▇▉▉▍, ▋▅▉-▍▌▊▆▅▉█ ▆▌▇▌▆▅ ▆▇▄▌ '▄▋▉▉ ▄▆▍▇ ▆▍▍▅▇▇▅' ▄█ ▇▄▉▍▉▍▋▊ ▍▇▅▆▋ ▄▍▉▊▌▄▉: ▄▍▉▊ ▌▌▊█ ▄▉▄▋▆▋▍▆ █▍█▌▌▍▄▍ ▋▅ ▉▍▄▊▊▉ ▄█▇▇▉ ▍▄▋▆ ▆▉█▇ █▄▍▅ ▊▄▋▇▅ ▋▅▍▊ ▌▋▆▋ ██▌█▊ ▋█▉▋▉ ▌▋▉ ▉▇▊▉▇ ▄▊▋▇▉▌ (▅▍▋'▆ █▍▄▆ .█▉▌▄▉▌ ▌▆▉▉▌▉▌ ▉▊ ▅▋▇▄ ▉ .▊▊▍ ▄▍▄) ▇▋▄▆▅▌ █▊▆ ▄▋▇▄▋▉▌▄ ▆█▍▍▉▆▉ █▅▌▉▉ ▋▊▌▅ ▉▉▅▆▇█▄▄ ▆▆ ▊▇▇ ▆▇▄▌▉ ▋▉▍▄▋ ██▋▄▍▍▄ ▉▇▍▆▉▆▇ ▉▋▋█ ▍▊▆▊ ▆▄▌▉█▊ ▆▌ ▆▅█▋▋▌▊.▇▅▄▅▋▆█<▅▊▄▊▇▌> ▍▅▄▇█▋▆▊▅ █▉█▆ ▉▊▅'▅ █ ▊▋▅█▆▌, ▉█ █▋▍▅█▋ ▇▇▍▅▅▄▇▍▊ ▍▅▋▉▋▉▋▋▄▉▊▄▊ - ▋▉▌▅▌▍▇█ ▋▄▍▋▄▍ ▉█▍▅ ▅▋▄▅▆ ▉▇▌▍▋ ▍▍▊▋▋▋▊█▇▍▅▇▊ ▆▆▅ ▋▌▊ ▉▅▇▄ █▉▇▉▉ ▆▆ ▌▄▍▊█.▌█▅▍▇▇ - ▅▄▍▍▋▄ ▌ ▍▄▌█▅█▉ ▊▌ ▅▆ █▅▄▅, ▅▅▅▇▍▋█ ▋▉ ▌▇▆▄▆▄ █▌ ▆▊▉▅█ ▇▌▉▄▌▍▆▍█▅▆▍ ▍▌▌▇▅▅▉▇ ▆▉▌▅▉▇▌▋ █▆▉▉▍▋ ▋▆▌▌▍█▉▊█ ▆▍▄▆ ▅▊ █▄▉▍▌▅▋▄ ▇▉█▅█▉ ▆▊▊▍ ▆▅▉▉▆▅▅▌ (#▉▅▊▆) █▅▊ ▅▍▅▍▉▅▉ ▍▆█▇▉ ▇▄▅▅ ▉▇▅▄ ▄▄▍▌█▌▄▊▉. █▅▅ ▇▉▇▉▄▊▄▌ ▋▅▇▄ ▍▊▌▋ █▄▄▌▆▄ ▉▄ ▄▇▉▋▄▍▇ ▋▇ ▅ ▆▋▊▉▅ ▍▆▆▇▌ ▊▌'▌▌ ▍▆▅▉▇▆▌ ▆▍ ▆ ▉▋▅▇ ▋▋▋▉▋▋▇▄++ ▅▍▌▅▊▄ ▊▊▇▆█▊▋ ▌▋▌▇▄▆▍ (#▌▇▄█) * ▋▌█ * ▉▅▄▅▅█ ▍▅ ▅▋▆▉▌▊▆▍▇▆ * █▉▍▄▍▅ ▊██▆▋ ▍█▇▋▉▄ ▉▆▄▇▆ ▌▊▉▅▅▉█ * ▇▉█▋▅▆ ▇▉_▉▅▍▉▊▄▋_▇▆▆▌▋▆▉▋▊▆▍▆ * ▋▆█▌▄▅ ▄▄▋▇▆▇ ▄█▄▉▇ ▇▉▋▅▅ ▇▇ ▌▆'▋ ▅▌▋▌ █▅▄▊ * ▆▄▇▌▇ ▉▍▄▄ ▄▌▋▇▆▍ ▇▆▊▆ ▄▊▍▅▍ ▌▇▌▆ ▍█▋▅▄▋▋█▄▉ ▅▅ ▆▄▇ ▆▍█ ▇▍▌▇▊▋▍ ▄▄▆▍/▇▄▍▋ ▋▄▉▆▋ ▋▊█▉▇▊▉ * ▄▌▉▊▍ ▄█▄▌█▉▌ ▍▅ ▄▊▉▉ ▋▉ ▅▇, █▄ ▋▍▆▊ ▋█▇'▄ ▍▆ ▍▅▉ ▊▄ ▇▊▍▌ (▇█ ▋▆▉▊▍▍ ▄▉▅▇▊ ▇▉▌▍▋▋▇█ ▅▉▌▋▆ ▌▅▌ ▉█▍▆▉▅ ▉▄▊▊▍▋!) ▉▆█▌▍▆ ▌▄▋▅▉▌▉█▆▍▌ ▉▇▌▋ ▄▉▅▅-▅▅▆▄ ▌▆▅▋▉ ! ▌▌▄▄▋ ▍▄ ▅▄▇▌▄▊▅▌▉▅▅▇▅ ▍█▋▆ ▊▌▅▉▄▍▌ █ ▅▄▉█ ▍▌▋▇▋▊▄▅ ▇▅█▍ ▇█▊▄▌ ▉▉█▄ ▋▇▍▌ █▅▅ ▉█▍ ▊▉█▊▇▇▍▇.▇█▊▍▉▇▅▆▉▆▌▊▉█▅█▅▉▋▉/▇▉▌▊▍▅▌█▌▌▇▋▌▆▆▄▇▌▋ ▊▊▆▉ ▍▋▋▇▆█ ▄█▌▉█▄ ▋▉ ▄▄▇▉▋▇▊▍ ▄▋▇▅▅▄▇ ▋▅▌▄▍▍▌ ▅▌▊ ▍▌▇▉▅█▅██ ▆▋▇▅▍▍▍▍▊▄▄ ▄▇▍▅▄█ ▉▄▌▊▅▌▉▌ ▋▉▇ █▍▇-▅▊▊▌▉ █▄▌▅▄▍▆▅▌ ▉▊▌▆█ ▊▌▅ ▊▋▄▍▌ ▆▆█▉▉▊ ▊▌█▊▅▊▉▇, ▋▌▌▊▌ ▋▋▇▄▊▅▍▆█/▄▄▍▋-▊▊▌▊▋█#█▊█▄ ▅▄▊'▉ ▍▇▅ ▆▋▄▅▅▅▍▆ ▋█▉ ▇▆▋▇▊█▍▍▉ ▅▅ ▇▆▆▆▊▅▄ ▍▉ ▄▍▆ ▋▆▌ ▉██▍█▍ ▍ ▌▆▆▆▋▇▆▉ ▍▋▄▅█▌▌ ▍█ ▋▅▌▍, ▉█▍▍▅ ▌▌▉█▊▊▅█▇/▄▄█▇-▋▊▍▄▅▆#▉▌▍▊ ▉▄▅▆▅▄ ▇▋▆▆▊/██▄█▅ ▇▄▄▉▌▌▄▇█ ▅▍▉▆▋█▇▌▅▄ ██ █▍▇▄▆▋▅▋▆▅▍ ▉▄▌█▌ █▌▊ ▄▋▋▄▅: ▋▉▉▌ ▇▊▇ ▍▄▊▍▅ ▊▉▊ ▄▌▊▆▍, ▄▍▅▌ ▍██▇▇█▊▊ ▌▆▆▋▆▇█▊▌ ▍▉█ ▍▇▅▍▅▉▅▅▉▄ ▄▌▇▋▍▌▅▄▉▊ (#▍▆▆█) ▆▍▌▉▅▊▅▄▇▋.▌▉▇▉▅▌▆ ▉▅ ▌ ▅▇▇█▇ !!!!!! ▊█▋█▍ ▉▋▄▋▊▆▋▉▄▍▌▄█▊▌▇ █▊▍ ▋▇█▄█▆ ▍▉▇▆▉▅▇▊█ ▅▅▉▊▍▌▄▊ █▆▍▅ ▌▋▊▍ ▅▋▌▊ ▊▅▊▊█ ▋▋▇▇█▋ ▉▇▄█▋▌▌▋▄▊ ▊▍▌▉ ▅▄▋▋▆ ██▉▄▋▄█▌.▆▅▄▊▆▍██▋▋▇▌▅▆▄, ▋▍▍▆▋ ▅▆▊▄▊▅ ▄▇▍▇▇ █▆▍▊ ▉▄▍▇ ▍█▄▇▆█▌▄ ▅▇▋ ▄▌▌▊ ▋▍▉▄▄ ▄▍▅███▍▉ ▅▊▉▋▄▉ ▆▇▄ ▍█▉▌▅ ▍▍▆▇█▉▊ ▅▊▄▍▍▆, ▄▆▊▌▋ ▉▆▌█▌▄ ▄▆▉▇▋ ▄▄█ ▆▍ ▍▅ ▅▅▍▇▍▍ ▍█▌▄▇ ▆▄▇▄▊▄▉▆█ ▅▆▆▆▄▆█ ▊▍█ _▋▇▄▅█▋▌ ▅▇▌█▇▆ ▍▍▇▆▇ ▍██▋▋ █▄▍▌▋▇▋▉ ▇▉ ▇▇▄▅ ▍▌▇ ▌▌▆-▇▄▋▄ ▇▇▊▍▄ ▊▉▄▄ ▉▊▅▉▌▅ ▌▉▇▅ ▌▌▉▍ ▆▇.▉▊▉▉█▇█ ▆▍▉▇▊▋█ ▊▄▇▇██▌ ▇█▋▄ ▊▍▌▍▅▋█ ▇▊▉▄▍█▉▅ ▅▌▉▆ ▋▆ ▌▍▉ ▌▉▆█▋█ (▅▅▌▉▌ ▇▊▆▋▌▍▆▄▌/▊▄▌▌-▆▇▍▋▅▍#▋▋▄▇) ▅▊▉▍ ▊▆█▌▄▍ ▊▋▉ ▊▌ █▌'▍▌ ▄▌▋▊▇▆██ ▇▍▌▋ ▄▇▆▄▅▇▍▊ ▌█▋▄ ▍▅█▋ ▇▍▋▅▌▍▄ ██▍▅▋▅▋ ▄▌ ▅▅▉█▇▉ - ▊▅▌▇▄ ▉▅▋▋▆▌▋▅▇ ▆▋▍▅▆▋ ▊▅▆ ▆█▄▇▌▌▋▊ ▍█▋▆▉▇ █▍▉▆▋▆▌▍ █▊▋ ▊█▆█ ▆▉▍▉▍▉▌ ▍▅▇▌▄▊▌▆ ▇▄▋██ ▆▋█▍ ▍▇▇▍█▊▆▇█▅ ▋▌▌▋▉▋ ▉▍▇▍▌▅▆▄ ▅▆▊ ▌▄▋▅█▄▍▊▊. ▆▍█▉▅▉ ▉█▄ ▇▉ ▇▅▊▌▆▇▉▄▋ ▄▆ ▋▆▍▇ ▇▊▍▆ ▌▌▄▍▉▊ █▌▌▇ ▉▌▄▌ ▊▇▊▇▍▍▄█▍▍▊▍. ▅▆▉ ▋ ▅▍█ ▋▉▊▆▆ ▅▆▋▉ ▋▋▅▅▆▍▉ ▊▊▍ ▋▄ ▅▇▍▅▆▊ ▉▆▇▄ ▅▊█ ▆▆▄▄▇▆▋▆▉▋▅, ▋█▊▅ ▊▌ ▅▆ ▅▇▊▅▋▅▍ ▉▊█▆▊▉▉▋▄▋. ▉▊▆▋ ▄▋▊▉▋▇▌▄▇▉.█▍▍█▄▊▅ ▇▍▇ ▊▄▋▆▅▊▆ ▋ ▉█▅▅▌█▅ ▊▍▉▍ ▋▅▉▆.▍▋▋▉▄▊█ ▉ ▆▋▌▅▄▄█ █▅▅▅█▍█▆▄▉.▇█▊▉▇▅▆▅▋▌█▇▄▅▄▄▌ ▌█▄▇▅ ▉ ▉▅▋▉▄▄▇ ▉▉▋ ▄▋▆▌▄▌▉.▊▍▆▆▍▄▄▄▅█▅ ▉▌▍ ▅▅▌▅█▉▉ ▆▅ █▆▍▊▄▇▋▆ ▌▄▌█▇▌▇▉▄ ▋█▌▉ ▆▍▊▋▌▉▇. ▊▊▆▍▇▌▋▍▄█▄▋▇▆▆▉▍▉▌▇▉ ▊▇▌▄▇▉▆ ▇▆ ▌▅▋▇▊ ▆▋▌▄▉ ▅▇ ▉▉ ▊▋█▇▍█▊. ▅▄▆▌▄ ▆█▌▄▆ ▉▊▋▊▌▍ ▄▊ ▄▌▅▉ ▆ ▅▆▄▌. ▅▇▌▅▇▍▉▊++ ▅█▉'▉ ▍▇▍ ▄▆ ▉▋▌▍▌▌█ ▋▌▊▉ ▊▋▄▉▍▇▆▉ ▅▄ ▅▊▅▍▋ ██▄▅▉▅▉▄ ▉█▆▌▇█ ██▉▇▄ ▄▇▇▍ ▊▉▄▇▍▅█ ▄▊▄▅▇▍▋ ▋▅ ▇▄▋█▄▋▉▌ ▅▊▊▊▇▄ ▌▇▄▉█▉█▋ ▊▌▅█ ▉▌▆▄█▋▋▅ ▊▍▊▍▌▌▄▅▆: ▆▉▋▊▊▅ ▋▇█▆▅ ▊▉█▍ ▇▊▅▊▊ ▄▅▍▌▅ ▇▌▋ ▅▊▉█▆ ▉▇▇█▋://▍▊█▋▄.█▊▉▄▉▋▉▆▋.▇▉▆/▄▊▌█/▆▇▄▅▌▋▋█/▄▄▉▌-▌▅▄_▅▆▅█▆▊▇▇▄▉.█▌▄ ▋▆▇▋▉://▆▋▇█▉.▆▋▌▅▍█▅▊▇.▉▇▇/▍▍▅▊/▌▌▍▄▊█▍▊/▊▌▋▌-▇▉█_▋▋▊▍▋▇▉▇▌▌.▌▄▆ ▋▇▆ █▉▌ █▌▇▇▍▋▋▆█ ▅▋▆▇▋▄▊▊ ▆▍█▆▆▉ ▄▅▋▇▊▌▇ ▉▇▇ ▉▅ ▉▇▇▋ ▅▍▄▅▅▅▊▉▇▅▄▋▍█▅▉▆▆ ▆▆▆█/▄▇▄▊▇▌▌▊ █▆▆▉▌█▆▅ █ ▍█▅ ▍█▌▊ ▉▌▆▍▌▇▅▅█ ▊▌▋ ▄▉▌▋▋ ▋▊▋█▇▊▊ ▇▄ ▌▇▋▄▉▉▉ █▄▉▊▌▋ ▅▅▄▅▅▉ ▉▄▍▄▋ █▆▌▄▅▅▆: ▉▉▌█▋█▇▅▆▅▊ █▆▄▌ ▍▉▊▇▆ █▄▌▍▍▆▍▊ ▆▋▉ ▆▌▆▅▇▍▊▇▉▋▍▇▇██.▌▊▉▆▆▇▋▍▌() █▊▌ ▉▉█▋▌█▉▇▉▄▍▉▄▌▆ ▌██▋█▉█, █▇▄▄█▅█▍ █▊▊ ▅▅▌ ▅▄▄▌ ▌▅▌▋▊▄▆█ ▅▍█▇▋▅▇▅▄ ▄▊▌▄█▌▉▊▇▌, ▍▋▇▊-█▇▍▊▇ ▉▋ ▋▍▌▄▄█▉ ▄▌█▌ ▄▋▄█▆▌█▆▆▅▆▆▆▋▌▇▄▍▋▉▍▉▇▇ ▊▄▍▇▇▄ ▉█▇▅▊▉▊ ▍▅▅▆▅▆▉ █▋ ▉▆▅▅ ▉▅▅▍▌██ ▊▋ ▅▌▄▌▆▉▋▌▅▄ ▆▊▄▌▊ ▆▋▆▋▌▍ ▉▊▆▆▉█▇ █▆▆ ▅▍▆▄▇▆▇▄▄▊▌█▆▍▉ █▇█ ▋▅▆▊▌▌▉▅▋▊▋▅██▌.▌▅▋▋▋▆▍█▆▋▅▄▅█▆ ▊▄▅ ▌▋▄▍█▅██ ▅█▋▇▍ ▆█▉▇▋▌ ▊▉▅▋▋▄▍, ▊▋ █ ▋▉▍▊▄▉ ▋▌▌▊▉▇▆▅▉▋▌ ▌▍▊▊▄█ ▌▇▉▊ ▍▇▌▉▉ ▊▄█▍▋▊▌▋ "▋▋█▅▆▇▇ ▄▆▄▅ ▄▊▅▌▊▄" ▄▆█▌▋█▍ ▅▄▊▆ ▊▉▍▆ ▍▆▍▌▉▇ ▊▄▆▊▋▇ ▋█ ▌▉▆▋▍▊▇ █▌▍▆▉ ▄▅▊▄█▊ ▄▍▅█▆ ▍▅▊█▆▆ '▆▍▅▆▊▅' ▅▄▌▊ ▆▌▉▇▍▊▄-▇█▇▅▆▄▆-▌▇█▇▆▊▆▅▅
13 Days Ago
Restored medium battery power in slot importance
13 Days Ago
Swap seconds to minutes
13 Days Ago
siege tower construction mesh lods. lod fixes. guide mesh.
13 Days Ago
Setup with 4 spine bones (same as main)
13 Days Ago
Tool/Constraint blockout meshes update and upload
13 Days Ago
▇▅▊▌▉▆▌ ▌▆▅▊ ▇▅▆▍▆▋▉▉ ▅▉▌█▇▊▇
13 Days Ago
Small PVC Pipe set trimsheet blockout
13 Days Ago
start the timer 10 minutes after the server is up and repeat every 5 minutes
13 Days Ago
WIP restart server at 4am local machine time, check for >=22 hour server uptime and do not restart Staging servers (env || hostname)
13 Days Ago
Headers for identifying each player's hand
13 Days Ago
Scene view: disable gizmo interactions while doing camera movement
13 Days Ago
Implement weapon modifier events, works for targeted card and global
13 Days Ago
Remove box from navmesh debug draw
13 Days Ago
Fix some NREs when accessing colliders from navmesh components
13 Days Ago
Dispose old entries
13 Days Ago
Add PauseInPreparationPhase convar, rename double_speed prefab Define API for weapon modifiers
13 Days Ago
Ensure navmesh area stays in sync when linked collider changes
13 Days Ago
13 Days Ago
Stop PathWidget fighting back in LineEdit mode and selecting the whole text, fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6869
13 Days Ago
merge from battery_fullcharge_slot
13 Days Ago
Merge: from soundmodulator_leak Hopefully improving stuttering audio for ModularCrane in bad server conditions Tests: while connected to a local staging server moved the arm and rotated the cabin
13 Days Ago
Make sure the aux output drain can’t exceed 1
13 Days Ago
Update: simplify MagnetCrane's audio handling - this is an experiemental change, as in theory it should help stuttering audio, but couldn't validate in practice Tests: while connected to a local staging server moved the arm and rotated the cabin(though I couldn't reproduce the original issue anyway)
13 Days Ago
Added knight armour assets and set up prefabs.
13 Days Ago
Sync the timer
13 Days Ago
Simplify ReflectivePlane
13 Days Ago
Remove useless code, show timer in prep phase
13 Days Ago
Work on card ui Refactor card inventory ownership/networking
13 Days Ago
Make sure to set the full flag even when the current power in is 0 Fixed half full and very full flags not set correctly, this fixes the electric arcs effects not showing correctly on the medium battery
13 Days Ago
Make sure to set the full flag even when the current power in is 0 Fixed half full and very full flags not set correctly, this fixes the electric arcs effects not showing correctly on the medium battery
13 Days Ago
Fix CameraIntro NRE
13 Days Ago
Cleanup header
13 Days Ago
Re-applied 107994: fixed battery deplete and charge commands not replying with the correct battery name
13 Days Ago
Re-applied 107994: fixed battery deplete and charge commands not replying with the correct battery name
13 Days Ago
Battery code cleanup
13 Days Ago
Battery code cleanup
13 Days Ago
Send client selected timescale to the server. Request timescale for the client selected one
13 Days Ago
Cleanup NavMeshArea Component
13 Days Ago
Don't actually prevent short rcon passwords... yet.
13 Days Ago
Don't actually prevent short rcon passwords... yet.
13 Days Ago
Added a "Fully Charged" output slot to all batteries Will output 1 power when the battery is fully charged
13 Days Ago
New arena 2
13 Days Ago
13 Days Ago
merge from old_rocks_delete List of prefabs removed: https://files.facepunch.com/Alistair/127/11/2024/6F64/plastic_eKsHP1tlho.png
13 Days Ago
Merge from blend_shaders_detail_layer to siege_weapons
13 Days Ago
13 Days Ago
CardEffect, add testing card prefab Fixed MovementModifiers Update PreparationPhaseManager to create a random card (test)
13 Days Ago
Smite harmless "unknown tool window" warning from tool window trying to cleanup after itself
13 Days Ago
Only show feed items from unreleased games