257,433 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
Make equipment overlay show again
Implement score for defuser, defusing team, and planting team (but not planter yet)
Autoswitch to bomb when pressing use inside a bombsite
When you throw a grenade, try to switch to weapons in the following order: Primary, Secondary, etc instead of just switching to (usually) the knife
Tweaked the new input behaviour
- no power -> switch to the mode set manually
- powered -> swith to the other mode
Also renamed both modes for clarity:
'Enable Defender Mode' -> 'Defender Mode'
'Disable Defender Mode' -> 'Target All'
Different toast types for team wins
Use GiveCash with negative value instead of set Balance directly (dunno how this worked as setter is private?!)
Force on explosions. Fix networking issues with grenades - properly remove grenade (on host) after throw. Only update explosion logic on host then broadcast explode
Correctly hide the progress bar when unlock minigame finishes successfully
Show deaths from bomb on killfeed
Update defuse kit owned status correctly
Update vitals on life state change
Center scoreboard correctly
Added ItemModForceWearFromBelt, added it to prisoner hood.
Prisoner hood is now force worn when added to a handcuffed player's belt bar.
weapon world models scaled to match citizen
Shared css class for elements with dynamic visibility (e.g. scoreboard, toasts, buy menu)
Upped the voice transmitter range and added lipsync target
Up grenade sound distances
Fix framerate dropping to near zero when painting quick long strokes
Move MarkerSystem out of canvas
Tweak chatbox, align everything in one row and show player team colors
SoundEmitter NRE fix
ShootWeaponFunction NRE fix
Fixed SpectateSystem NRE
Turn off occlusion for gun shots
Show bomb in round state display if it's planted
RayTraceSceneWorld boilerplate
Replace helmet icon
Widen round score counters so that they don't wrap after 10 rounds
▌▊▌▋▄▍ ▄▆█▅▋ ▍▊█▌▉ (▋▋▆ ▍█▅▄▄▉ ▇▊▉▍▍▍▇), ▄▊▍ ▅▇▅▉▋▄▇▍ '--▊█-▉█▍██▌-▊▊▆█▋▊▋▅▊' ▇▉▇▉▆█▍-▄█▊▆ ▉▅█▌▄▅▇▊▄ ▍▋ ▄█▄▇▊▋▆ ▆▉▊▄▌█ ▉▄▇█▄▉▇█▌ ▆▆ █▅▇▇▉▆▄
Fix overlapping UI elements
Fix NRE in kill feed
Move full-screen overlays outside HUD canvas, so they can actually cover the whole screen (instead of being limited to 16:9)
Give player noblockaudio tag, fix scope NREs
Freeze players during match starting countdown
Fix hidden round timer showing, styling tweaks
Add progress bars to plant/defuse ui
Reset armor & helmet status on respawn
Buy equipment using RPC to host
Balance styling tweaks
Reverse weapon selection rows, stick to bottom-ish, always show active weapon name
Props folder, fist pass converting to MeshLOD
Removing MaterialSetup components for snow
Fuck it, inheritance-based equipment system so we can do things like discounted kevlar+helmet
Vitals shows helmet properly
Disable PreGame buy anywhere now teams/spawns are fixed
Fixed RoundStateDisplay error
Active held entities are notified when owner dies.
Unlock handcuffs on death, releasing player limitations for when they respawn.
SteamLobbySocket caches owner, calling SteamMatchmaking.GetLobbyOwner each tick had significant impact
Can't headshot with melee weapons
Don't let players buy special weapons (e.g. C4)
Buying helmet actually gives you helmet