243,600 Commits over 3,898 Days - 2.60cph!
Collider uses new shape.Tags
Dragging objects into the scene uses physics traces instead of scene traces
Leaderboard backup, run #7396
Apply the heldEntitySpineAimOffset to the head as well (still looks bad, but slightly better than before)
Moved IK settings on Held entities into a dropdown
Moved disable spine IK and disable head IK into the held entity
Exposed a spineAimOffset, this modifies the target angle of the spine IK per held entity
Fixed multiple tea and pet vital bars appearing (we should modify GameUI.Hud.Vitals in future instead of adding vitals in parent prefabs)
Split different IO budget systems into specific queues by type. This should allow servers to maintain responsive monument IO even if something player deployed is throttling the IO queue.
Removed IOEntity.framebudgetms convar
Added IOEntityconvars:
-frameBudgetElectricHighPriorityMs (default 1ms) -monument IO entities
-frameBudgetElectricLowPriorityMs (default 0.5ms) -all player placed electrical entities
-frameBudgetFluidMs (default 0.25ms) - all player placed fluid entities
-frameBudgetKineticMs (default 1ms) - a small selection of monument entities like door wheels
-frameBudgetGenericMs (default 1ms) - currently unusued
-frameBudgetIndustrialMs (default 0.25ms) - all industrial entities (this is separate from server.frameBudgetIndustrialMs where most of the work happens, hence the small budget)
Added 3 additional stone tiled cube prefabs
Updated Balaclava + LODs for existing assets
Can drag prefabs from assetbrowser to hierarchy (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/4)
Basic skeletal pose component - only works with Alyx hands, needs some more thought
Remove unused UseRelativeTransform from tracked pose component
Render VR separately
Rename RenderWithViewport to RenderStereoAndSubmit, clean up SceneCamera stereo rendering code
Set VR controller type (Input.VR.Type)
Remove some CSS logs I forgot about (sorry)
WIP expression generation rewrite
* To support expression nodes with multiple outputs
* Make sure nodes are evaluated as few times as possible
* Make sure output values are properly scoped / not overwritten
WIP CallGraphNodeDefinition
Basic item and icon setup.
Would be good if I actually clamped this value
Experiment moving log counts to status bar
Added icon render scene to scene loader.
Add SceneCamera.EnableDirectLighting, SceneCamera.EnableIndirectLighting
Unobsolete SceneCamera.AmbientLightColor - is added to World.AmbientLightColor
Add button for unlit mode to SceneView (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/48)
Fix GameObject/Component references not filling in disabled objects
Make name unique when duplicating (ctrl+d)
Make ID's unique when pasting
breaking down the interior greybox into task folders/individual meshes
Set the correct surface on ModelColliders (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/39)
PhysicsGroupDescription parts expose the of each Surface sub-part
Don't call resource changed callback if interop isn't loaded
Move resourcesystem into engine
Call Sandbox::Resource::OnResourceReloaded when a resource is reloaded
Remove old "model reloaded" callback (was called from client/server)
Model clears physics, bone and data cache on resource reload (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/34)
Lights don't accept PixelInput - explicitly pass positions / lightmap uvs
Add try catch to compile.complete event, any exception that gets thrown in that event will halt the compile forever
fixed offset in gingerbread roof top line concave conditionals
Update bounds of bone merged models (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/32)
continuity improvements on gingerbread roof meshes features
Citizen/animgraph: re-added 2X walks to the 2D blendspace, made them use new fast walks where currently applicable, and renamed "Walk_[direction]_2X" to "Walk2X_[direction]" for consistency
Fix GetComponents not returning derived classes (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/33)
Add *#local.json to .gitignore so that local keyboard preferences don't get committed
Fix menu sometimes wanting mouse when in game in editor (fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/31)
Temporary group header in componentsheet
Move Static to Collider - fixes sbox-scenestaging/issues/28
removed conditional wood topping on gingerbread triangle roofs
gingerbread triangle roof blocks pivot offset fix
some extra frontier roof colliders fix
Add GetAttachment method to AnimatedModel (#29)
* Add GetAttachment method to AnimatedModel
Co-authored-by: Fortune <7847372+Fortune117@users.noreply.github.com>
Adding play and stop event (#49)
This events has triggered when the scene is started or stopped.
Strip multiview instancing / instancing scalars from engine
Remove D_MULTIVIEW_INSTANCING and multiview methods from shaders
Update system.fxc
Leaderboard backup, run #7372
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