239,562 Commits over 3,837 Days - 2.60cph!

51 Days Ago
Unfucked main menu lighting
51 Days Ago
merge from spectate_blackout_fix
51 Days Ago
█▉▅█▆ ▄▆▍▋ ▆▌▇▉▇▄▊▅▌▇▄_▉▊▇█▄▇▌▅▄█▌█
51 Days Ago
merge from tincan_alarm
51 Days Ago
merge from hose_material_fix
51 Days Ago
First pass at crackhead joints/shapes
51 Days Ago
Fixed another few errors that have cropped up now
51 Days Ago
File org.
51 Days Ago
More example scene stuff NRE fix Only draw Collision Gizmo when TilesetComponent is selected Draw Missing Tiles (When a placed unbaked tile has their referenced tile deleted/regenerated) https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/August/04_10-56-UnlawfulGallinule.png
51 Days Ago
More work on converting all texts in the menu: inventory, server browser, options, steam inventory and various popups
51 Days Ago
added concrete_aggregate_a material
51 Days Ago
Fixed IO hose gray missing material
51 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #12949
51 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #12943
51 Days Ago
Add ParticleModelEmitter
51 Days Ago
Add Sphere.RandomPointInside Add Capsule.RandomPointInside Add HitboxSet.Hitbox.RandomPointInside Http Post retry on connection error Add Sphere/Capsule/BBox/Hitbox.RandomPointOnEdge
51 Days Ago
chosen card scale effect triangle ruler sign saw shield
52 Days Ago
All option menu texts converted to RustText Phrases
52 Days Ago
Don't draw tiles with broken id references, don't rent those verts Don't draw multi-tile brush in non-paint tool. Added Rotation and Flip variables w/ Shortcuts Can now place rotated/flipped tiles. https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/August/03_13-37-VirtuousDarklingbeetle.mp4 Updated example again
52 Days Ago
Paint Tool can now paint tiles larger than size 1x1 https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/August/03_13-06-OutrageousAnemone.mp4
52 Days Ago
Added Tile Picker to Tileset Tool Inspector https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/August/03_12-52-StormyRabbit.mp4
52 Days Ago
52 Days Ago
Fixed dropdown options not being picked up by phrase updates
52 Days Ago
Started converting options menu legacy and TMP texts to RustText
52 Days Ago
Added "Bake Selected Layer" button to Tileset Tool. This detaches any placed tiles from their references. https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/August/03_11-01-MediocrePaddlefish.mp4
52 Days Ago
Tileset Tool Inspector NRE fix Tiles are referenced by Guid instead of CellPosition. Allows you to edit existing tiles after being placed already https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/August/03_10-17-HelplessSanddollar.mp4 Update example scene to use guid format Fix Deserialization on TilesetComponent.Tile
52 Days Ago
Create ParticleTextRenderer.cs
52 Days Ago
Can use [Range] on fields When converting a Color to a Color32 if it's HDR then normalize instead of clamping Expose ParticleEffect.ParticleBounds and MaxParticleSize We don't use nethost anymore TextManager becomes TextRendering, exposed function to get cached texture
52 Days Ago
Fixed a bunch of NREs when Layer(s) or Tile(s) weren't set yet. Also fixed tools not updating when certain properties were changed in the inspector
52 Days Ago
Initial tests at getting the Arabic language to work
52 Days Ago
Fixed a bunch of reported errors
52 Days Ago
Fixed broken damage/death sound references in crackhead NPC
52 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #12919
52 Days Ago
▆██▌▆▄▇█▍ ▋▍▅▅▆▇▆▄▉▉▄<█> ▄▅▉ ▍█▅▌██ █▆▋▌▍▆▇ ▄▍▊▋█▍▌▅█▉▆▄▅▆<▋>.▍▋▆▆▇▍▌▌() ▌█ ▍█▇▊▇▇ ▆▄▌▄▊▍▇ ▍▄ ▆█ ▉ ▌▌▌▆ ▆▊▇ ▄▉ ▋▍█ ▅▅▋ ▆█▉█▉▄▆▍▍▇ ▅▅▍▇▇▅▄▉▇/▍▍▊
52 Days Ago
Fix Rectangle Tool Delete Gizmo displaying incorrectly Rectangle Tool optimizations and bug fixes Make TilesetComponent.Tiles a Dictionary instead of a List so position lookup is much more easy/optimal Add Collider generation to Tileset Component https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/August/02_19-31-DarkgoldenrodFlycatcher.mp4 Added TileComponent.HasCollider, defaults to false. Rebuild TilesetComponent collision on tile add/remove. https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/August/02_19-45-IndianredAsiandamselfly.mp4 Can mark a Layer as a Collision Layer. Collision Mesh will only be generated from this layer. https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/August/02_20-37-TotalAss.png
52 Days Ago
Destroy wrapper objects when deleting physics world
52 Days Ago
refinery updates continued art pass https://files.facepunch.com/jason/1b0211b1/firefox_bHgDTenxcx.png
52 Days Ago
New physics worlds add a world reference body, this is for things like fixed joints
52 Days Ago
Added a blank audio source to the Sound script
53 Days Ago
Better document lightbinner and add a few asserts Version tiled rendering if we ever make breaking changes to it's structure, makes sure that rendering doesn't break if we upgrade it in the future
53 Days Ago
Create PawnCameraController, something we can use for all pawns, spectator can now inherits any map-based camera overrides Make drone use the same camera controller Remove obsolete usage of SetCombo Use ShortcutAttribute where necessary
53 Days Ago
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53 Days Ago
Merge from main
53 Days Ago
Show "Blocked by tree" when blocked by a tree
53 Days Ago
merge from main
53 Days Ago
merge from main
53 Days Ago
Remove old Application.AllowShortcuts Don't wrap cursor when holding middle/right mouse button in 2D editor view
53 Days Ago
merge from subtract_untangles
53 Days Ago
resubtract 102037 DuplicateGUIDFix
53 Days Ago
reapply 102034