239,404 Commits over 3,837 Days - 2.60cph!

35 Days Ago
Bunch of assorted error fixing
35 Days Ago
this'll probably still happen, so putting IsValid here
35 Days Ago
Don't place tile at -MaxValue,-MaxValue when using Line Tool or Rect Tool on a single position
35 Days Ago
Added Place Block SFX BlockPlacer OnUpdate error fix Hopefully fix VoxelParticles.Spawn error WorldItem NRE fix
35 Days Ago
Allow changing state and transition classes, currently breaks when undo
35 Days Ago
Don't build faces for empty vox
35 Days Ago
Revert vertex_color shader for now
35 Days Ago
Allow state renaming
35 Days Ago
Clean up FSM ui code, fix bug when removing state would corrupt the asset
35 Days Ago
Prevent duplication state connections, add method to deep copy a fsm
35 Days Ago
Allow fsm transition editing in the new UI
35 Days Ago
Add WIP fsm editor
35 Days Ago
Allow vertex_color shader to be tinted
35 Days Ago
Fix crash in SetFlexOverride
35 Days Ago
Hide vox preview model in inspector
35 Days Ago
Disable vox drop object for now
35 Days Ago
Give engine game resources a chance to load from other resource blocks so we can save binary data Vox game resource Vox compiler Vox asset preview Modernize vertex_color shader Vox drop object as model renderer until a voxel renderer has been promoted to engine Fix vox model bounds
35 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #13276
36 Days Ago
blood donation recycle bin clipboard juicebox run timer final score panel chocolate
36 Days Ago
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36 Days Ago
Dispose ByteStream properly
36 Days Ago
Read snapshot immediately - no need for this prop
36 Days Ago
Explicit ISnapshotWriter interface
36 Days Ago
Some docs
36 Days Ago
Set Orphaned Mode on the Cue to Host Do the same for other runtime spawned network objects
36 Days Ago
Adjust cubemap fog
36 Days Ago
Adjust bothy frequency
36 Days Ago
Introduce a few metal nodes to the worldgen
36 Days Ago
Fixed alignment for node_rock, it was spawning inside the world 90% of the time
36 Days Ago
Reduced duck detection height a lot
36 Days Ago
Redo bothy feature, spawn a prefab with a flattening area
36 Days Ago
Add farmhouse_02 feature
36 Days Ago
Update .sbproj
36 Days Ago
Crafted items will try to go to the hotbar first, and then try to craft into the overflow container
36 Days Ago
Adjust imported drone vmdl, fixed drone size/orientation
36 Days Ago
Fixed text size in settings, worlds page
36 Days Ago
Add custom cursor
36 Days Ago
Validate against a null biome?
36 Days Ago
Update MaxPlayers
36 Days Ago
Fix somehow having multiple players for one connection
36 Days Ago
Disconnect from server when quitting to main menu
36 Days Ago
Shrink the world back down again, remote clients are choking hard, so let's do networking properly first before doing this, version++
36 Days Ago
Fixed first spawn error
36 Days Ago
Add basic Server List page to Main Menu
36 Days Ago
Backport some more gpu profiling for scenesystem
36 Days Ago
Spawn a camera in procgen so the player will acquire it on spawn, lets us see our desired post-processing in editor scene view
36 Days Ago
Sword can't gather wood
36 Days Ago
Adjusted world bloom
36 Days Ago
36 Days Ago
Up the world size as a test