239,406 Commits over 3,837 Days - 2.60cph!

26 Days Ago
Only turn on player's camera if in control
26 Days Ago
NetworkHelper, PlayerDresser
26 Days Ago
Added hex-a-gone prototype
26 Days Ago
Add basic movement, third person camera
26 Days Ago
Changed paneling height in wainscotting wallpapers. Added tiling yellow stripe wallpaper. Updated skin list.
26 Days Ago
Remove lambdas from wolf fsm transitions in preparation for it to be data driven
26 Days Ago
Replace menu music with something that makes people less angry Loading screen music only plays on first loading screen
26 Days Ago
merge from main
26 Days Ago
Fixed spraycan menu not interactable
26 Days Ago
Epsilon tweak
26 Days Ago
A new start, reformat project in scene
26 Days Ago
Wider and stronger lakeside topology for lakes and oasis UE's
26 Days Ago
Fix TimeSince/TimeUntil getting fucked when playing in editor Fixes sbox-issues/issues/6312#issuecomment-2309487594
26 Days Ago
Update: MusicManager.ClipPlaybackData now implements IPooled Tests: booted in local session, no exceptions
26 Days Ago
Committing WIP work as need to switch branch
26 Days Ago
Update: MusicClipLoader.LoadedAudioClip now implements IPooled Tests: booted in local session, no exceptions
26 Days Ago
Updating: EngineAudioClip.Grain implements IPooled Will need to explore further if it's dead script Tests: None, trivial change
27 Days Ago
Removed missing guid rocks from craggy
27 Days Ago
Merge: from main Tests: none
27 Days Ago
Don't hide moderately downvoted games Better gamejam list
27 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #13492
27 Days Ago
Shop UI now closes if vendor dies while player is shopping Setup placeholder clothing loadout
27 Days Ago
Add NPC/vending spawners to water well C and E
27 Days Ago
Lowered chance of teas in food cache loot table
27 Days Ago
27 Days Ago
Protobuf restructuring, save next refresh time Expose server.waterWellNpcSalesRefreshFrequency, default one hour (WIP)
27 Days Ago
Scale music volume using mixer
27 Days Ago
Removed a bunch of code in InvisibleVendingMachine that was marked to be removed
27 Days Ago
27 Days Ago
Merge from net_vis
27 Days Ago
Merge from main
27 Days Ago
Merge from npc_dynamic_pricing_updates
27 Days Ago
Changed the default npc vending machine price update frequency to every 3 hours (was 5) Added new PriceUpdateFrequencyBiWeekly and PriceUpdateFrequencyWeekly convars, defaults to 2hrs and 1hr respectively Vending machines will use these if the server is running a bi weekly or weekly wipe schedule, requires the correct tag assigned in server.tags (specifically "biweekly" or "weekly") Added npcvendingmachine.ResetFrequencyTags, this needs to be called to adjust pricing if the servers tags are changed at runtime, mostly for testing
27 Days Ago
Added a new physics material - cactus Uses same settings as grass, currently has no decals Fixes some cactus variants using dirt decals and ensures we have the same hit sfx across all variants Also switched the needle renderers on several variants over to MeshCull for a very, very minor memory improvement (on the right branch this time)
27 Days Ago
Added a new physics material - cactus Uses same settings as grass, currently has no decals Fixes some cactus variants using dirt decals and ensures we have the same hit sfx across all variants Also switched the needle renderers on several variants over to MeshCull for a very, very minor memory improvement
27 Days Ago
Log pile AO doesn't go pure black in the middle.
27 Days Ago
Testing less washed out color grading. More oldschool.
27 Days Ago
Fixed DPV client-side speed calculation being weirdly variable. Use fixed network time
27 Days Ago
Reduced DPV power again
27 Days Ago
Merge from hackweek_accessibility_colourblind
27 Days Ago
Disable the clan name tag option, it's unused (just need to enable the gameobject when we're ready)
27 Days Ago
Merge from hackweek_accessibility_colourblind
27 Days Ago
Make AccessibilityComponent abstract
27 Days Ago
Don't recreate the decal material if not needed
27 Days Ago
Music Slider on Main Menu now affects the Main Menu Music 🫡
27 Days Ago
Merge from main
27 Days Ago
Small tidy up in bike class
27 Days Ago
Fixed server compile
27 Days Ago
Gave DPV a little more power, felt slow on real-sized maps
27 Days Ago
Change icons for Recently Updated and Recently Played so there aren't any duplicates