248,620 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!
Enum and List control widgets can't be edited when readonly
refinery updates
t-spawn to B site initial updates
Disabled the environment camera object
Removed Unused FBX mesh.
Updated Vintage Rectangle Table Colliders
set dressing progress backup
Keep project loading stuff together and make sure we load initial collision rules after project settings file system is mounted (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5739)
PlacingHud orders by segment count
Rock spawning bug fixes
Store relevant references/information of initial bug setup per-player
Basic BugList UI that shows remaining segments for both players.
Fixed order of NRE checks
Added more checks to try and kerb this NRE
Fixed occlusion culling setting always turning itself back on when opening the game
Vendor can now get over rails
Added rails to vendor test map
Added more accurate detailed colliders
Closes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5566
Throw exception when sending RPC on non-networked Game Objects (Closes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5504)
Do not try to swap items around if they can't stack (introduced by 98742)
Fixes moving a partial stack from a full container onto another partial stack not working (fluid containers not taking anymore water than 100ml for example)
Fixed potential NRE in AudioListener component when scene camera isn't valid (yet)
Larger plank stack addition and upload
Add damping to lower body blendspaces
Fix cargo ship spawning extra scientists (have to turn off both variant roots)
Set up look at chains, crouched movement
A couple of small bike edits
Tuned all bike and rider damage thresholds
Update human_player animgraph to support movement and holdtypes
Pedal bikes slightly slower
Cyclist stands up automatically when going slow up steep slopes
Fix spectators joining in-progress games getting a blackscreen/not spectating anyone by default
Broadcast between round cleanup event
Changed Scale on Vintage Rectangle Table to match other tables
Use DistanceSquared in marker panel Distance check
Fixed hitmarkers being wrongly applied, and recognize kill markers properly
Fixed spottable team being wrong on spawn
Clean up player states correctly, fixed FPS testing scene
defuse: Add TeamAssigner to Preparing stage
merge from travelling_vendor
Fixed typo which was making weapons break between rounds
Don't show play area overlay if we're dead
Would help if I turned back on the other gamemodes
Fix defuse objects not spawning