223,524 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

2 Months Ago
Add cinematic option to hide first person player legs
2 Months Ago
ProjectList: fix NRE on Project.Current
2 Months Ago
First implementation of client browser for cloud demos
2 Months Ago
Fix cinemachine component not getting added and removed during cinematic
2 Months Ago
WIP system for showing 3D model icons on the skin pack screens
2 Months Ago
Fix InputRouter not passing to game when no menudll is loaded Fix launch settings, remove bullshit ones
2 Months Ago
Parent merge
2 Months Ago
Added IMetalDetectable interface and implemented for MetalDetectorSource.
2 Months Ago
Compile fix
2 Months Ago
Limit full scan updates based on distance moved
2 Months Ago
Treat warnings as errors so I stop pushing shit code and having CI fail Fix warning
2 Months Ago
Backup save file right after the server saves
2 Months Ago
Correct beep/light behaviour when first deploying
2 Months Ago
Initialize these engine classes outside of MenuDll now that editor doesn't run menu dll Null check a bunch of IMenuDll.Current calls
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Make sure action graph inputs / outputs are sorted
2 Months Ago
Target value simplification
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
▆▌▇▍▅▊▊▇ ▊▉▍▇_▊▄█▉▆▆▍▆▌▋▉▅▉▊▆ ▌▆▇▆█▍ █▄▅▋▅▍█▌▆▅▇▉▋▌█▆█▅▅█▄██▇▆ !█▉█▋▅ ▇▇██▅▄▆▋ ▄▇██ ▊▊▅▉ ▌▌▋▊▋▅▄ !▄▍▄▉▌ ▉▋ █▄▄▄▋▄▅ ▆▊█▍ ▋▄▌▍▊▋▌_▅▊▉▊▋▅▇▅▇ !█▉▅██ ▅▆▌█▇▊▌▅ █▉▅▆ ▊▄▅▅▄▆▆▋▊▍▆▋▇▍▋▊▊▋▋█▄▉ ▉▌▄▉▆▅▄▍▆▄▉██▆▄▅▇▆▌▋▋▆ ▄▄▄ ▇▌▅█ ▊▌ ▋▅▄▉▆▅ ▉▄▅ ▋▊▊▆▆▌ ██▊██▉ ▊▇ ▌▇▋▍█▌ ▆▌▉▉▅▌ ▆█▋▋ ▄▋▆▋ ▍▄▉ ▌▌▆▍█▉ ▄▆▆▄▌▆ ▅▉▅▅ ▅▌▌▅▄:▄█▉▄▊▍█▊▆▍▇ !▋▋▍▅▅ ▍▌▇▉▇▍▋ █▅ ▉▆ ▌▉▄▌ ▅▌▉ ▌▇▊▌▋▉▉ ▊▄▅███ ▉▄▍▅▍ ▉ ▊▋▄ ▋▅▍ ▅▋▉▄ ▅▄▆▍▅▅ ▋▉▄ ▅▋▍▋▍
2 Months Ago
Slight chance of a very slight increase or decrease on rocket clip per strafe
2 Months Ago
Piston texturing Merge branch 'main' of sbox-industrial-platformer
2 Months Ago
minigun wip - re-exported base viewmodel file (w/ meshes) - re-exported viewmodel anims - clip naming updates - updated masks - added worldmodel prefab and setup
2 Months Ago
Heli will drop out of strafe at a random distance threshold rather than a constant one
2 Months Ago
▊█▌'▍ ▌▆▇▌ ▄▋▆ █▆█▍▇▅▅▌▇ ▆▉▋█ ▄█ ▍▋▌▆▇ ▅▍▇▇▍ ▊▋ ▅▊▍ ▌▆▌▍▇▅ █▋ ▋▉ ▍ ▋▍█▅▋█▌█.
2 Months Ago
Variable rocket aimcone now placed in a varied range
2 Months Ago
Nicer start/stop detection logic. Remove the ghost flag effect prefab and related code. Misc cleanup.
2 Months Ago
Mirror [GraphInput] parameters in sub-graphs
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Added a chance that the heli will go to random map positions over cycling monuments
2 Months Ago
Remove a test log CodeGen static array for attributes on a CodeGenerator method/prop now marked as [SkipHotload] and readonly, so they do update when changed
2 Months Ago
Deploy timer
2 Months Ago
█▄▆▆▆▆▌ ▌▄▌▇▆▋▇▇▇ ▋▆▊▆▅ ▉▇▊▇▆▄
2 Months Ago
▍▋▉▄▌█▇ ▇▌█▉█▄▋▊▋ ▇▊▉ ▌▄▇▆▆▆▊▅ ▅▇▄▄ ▋▆▅▅▉▅ ▊▉▉▄
2 Months Ago
██▌▋▇▉▍ ▌▋▄▌▊▇▆▍ ▅▍▍▉█▍▄▄▍ ▅▍▇▉▄ ▆▊ ▉▌▅▌▉▇▍ █▍▇▄▉▊
2 Months Ago
minigun prefabs wip
2 Months Ago
Fade in explanation
2 Months Ago
Fix game test
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Expose some parameter definition helpers
2 Months Ago
▆▋▊▉▊▇▆▌ ▄ ▌█▍▆▅▋▇ ▇▆▇ ▅▅▉ ▄▌▉▅ ▅▌█▇ █▍ █▍▋▆▇▌▇ ▉▋▇▄▄▉▆▊. (▅▅▊▊▋▅ ▋▆▊▋▌▍▉▅ ▇)
2 Months Ago
minigun prefabs wip
2 Months Ago
Fix unit tests
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Api fixes
2 Months Ago
▊▆▅█▇▍▍▇/█▄▋ ▄▋ ▉▆▆▆▅▆▅ █▇ ▅▄▄▌▌▋▄▇▊ ▊█▌ ▍▄▆ █▉▋▌▍▆█ ▌▌▍▄▋▍▄ █▉▋▆▆▄▅█ █▄▆▆▄▇▅▉ ▍▉▅▄▌▊▉▇█▅ ▋▅▆ ▍▋▄▄▆▅▄▋▊ ▋▍▅▄ ▄▊▊ ▋▅▄ ▋▆▍▉▉.
2 Months Ago
Tweak how launching works, don't put tools and game in their own contexts anymore Add QtAppSystem Update QApp.def
2 Months Ago
▊▊▋▄█ ▅▄▇▅ ▆▆██▉ ▌▄█ ▍▆▇▅▌▌▇ ▌▊▅ ▉█▋ ▌▄▊▋▆▍▉ ▄▅▉▇ █▄▆▌.
2 Months Ago
IGraphInputAttribute to replace variable passing hack
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Screens display protected time, resource cost per 24h and building block count LOD setup