224,213 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.54cph!

16 Days Ago
increase wall height, curved pieces
16 Days Ago
merge from woc_hotfix2
16 Days Ago
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16 Days Ago
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16 Days Ago
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16 Days Ago
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16 Days Ago
Missing files
16 Days Ago
Mid and low coastal cliff variants Progress on coastal ocean rock prefabs
16 Days Ago
vm anim export update + some anim events
16 Days Ago
more blockin pieces and reorganization
16 Days Ago
Tattoo and Makeup Variations Makeup has colour selector options available. + small fixes to hair cap material files.
16 Days Ago
viewmodel prefab updates
16 Days Ago
added effects to effects folder (taken from SAR for now)
16 Days Ago
player update. exported/set up mp5 anim set
16 Days Ago
Red & Green Industrial Light source item
16 Days Ago
Fixed Industrial Wall Light referred as Simple Light when looking at IO connection handles
16 Days Ago
Added `ENT.PhysicsSounds` for `anim` type SENTs If set to true, re-enables physics impact sounds for the entity Spawnmenu one click addon spawnlist generator https://files.facepunch.com/rubat/1b1211b1/CPZbdPPd9F.png Fixed IMaterial:GetKeyValues sometimes returning nothing on srcds Material() now precaches the material, but only if it is not already precached. Ship shader DLLs with srcds Apparently they are necessary for materials to load correctly on dedicated servers Fixed a crash to do with static props when they change models I.e. when a static prop goes from error.mdl to a more complex one.
16 Days Ago
Update stereo-related camera properties explicitly, rather than bundling in with UpdateSceneCamera
16 Days Ago
Editor scene camera ignores VR settings, only blit for stereo cameras - prevents weird ghostly stereo blit
16 Days Ago
Fixed Memory Cell side inputs triggerable by 0 power circuits
16 Days Ago
some biome touch
16 Days Ago
junkpile layering issue
16 Days Ago
Merged main
16 Days Ago
fully greyboxed radhouse large and radtown shed first pass terrain sculpting and splat painting added some trees to measure effect
16 Days Ago
Reinstate changes
16 Days Ago
Overwrite my changes
16 Days Ago
merge from wr_dead_area_fix
16 Days Ago
Merge main
16 Days Ago
merge from io_entity_snapping/fixes/2
16 Days Ago
Basic delegate invocation benchmarks
16 Days Ago
merge from tc_reskin_shotguntrap
16 Days Ago
merge from military_flamethrower_worldmodel_scale_fix
16 Days Ago
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16 Days Ago
merge from fix_photo_in_backpack
16 Days Ago
merge from fix_industrial_prioritize_empty_slot
16 Days Ago
Increased the number of weapon sound effects warmed up, as they were also contributing to stuttering during gunfights
16 Days Ago
Scene reference debug view (Facepunch/sbox-issues#5161)
16 Days Ago
Don't stop shadow animations/transitions when building final style sbox-issues/issues/5122, sbox-issues/issues/4679 Clean up UI lerp functions
16 Days Ago
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16 Days Ago
compile fix
16 Days Ago
merge from fix_floor_debris
16 Days Ago
Increase animal ground pos distance check range
16 Days Ago
Enabled snapping on all neon signs Slightly reduced the bounds of the large versions to make sure they can be aligned without any gaps
16 Days Ago
merge from electricity_power_fixes/2
16 Days Ago
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16 Days Ago
merge from ping_estimate_cleanup
16 Days Ago
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16 Days Ago
merge from vis_entities_duplicates
16 Days Ago
merge from cargo_junkpile_fix
16 Days Ago
cherrypicking wr_minigun_reload_fix