224,106 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

37 Days Ago
Screen stuff & related shader+files.
37 Days Ago
Expose render settings to tools https://files.facepunch.com/garry/0c9677be-c880-4ac5-8976-3c69143c9f5b.png
37 Days Ago
Merge property or variable get / set nodes https://files.facepunch.com/ziks/1b1611b1/sbox-dev_Bj6e15WZ0F.mp4
37 Days Ago
Temporary fix for drag executing multiple times in one frame
37 Days Ago
anim file fixes
37 Days Ago
npc weapon block anim
37 Days Ago
VHS and DVD Meshes and cover WIP
37 Days Ago
37 Days Ago
Fix action graph serialization tests
37 Days Ago
alert npc animation
37 Days Ago
game console added
37 Days Ago
Set Json.NodeLibrary in Scene.Push() Make sure node definitions are added in Menu context Push scene scope in Scene.Save(), Scene.Serialize()
37 Days Ago
Shorten large gamemode tags (monthly, vanilla, etc) down to a two characters (^a^b^c) Expand tags back to full values when creating ServerInfo struct
37 Days Ago
PanelComponent uses internal enable, disable, update
37 Days Ago
Add some ai for testing
37 Days Ago
37 Days Ago
Updated UI/Default ASE template to avoid name clashes with existing properties
37 Days Ago
Spawn object on unlocked
37 Days Ago
Split up map into prefabs Attacking uses less stamina
37 Days Ago
added dryingrack_a
37 Days Ago
added chains_a_ground
37 Days Ago
Move hash & status from server tags -> rules
37 Days Ago
Reposed burlap pants to match updated player rig
37 Days Ago
Minigun ammo backpack fixes/cleanup
37 Days Ago
Fix RenderDeviceInfo_t wrong size
37 Days Ago
Set Json.NodeLibrary in Scene.Push() Make sure node definitions are added in Menu context
37 Days Ago
Add WidgetUtil.CreateSwapChain NativeRenderingWidget renders in regular render path
37 Days Ago
increase flashlight size (again) Combination lock sound
37 Days Ago
npc block animation and run adjustment
37 Days Ago
Door with pad lock
37 Days Ago
If a Component isn't valid then just set the property anyway for a Sync var
37 Days Ago
added surface types to assets
37 Days Ago
Make docs clearer
37 Days Ago
Test to re-register Sync props after Network.Refresh
37 Days Ago
.meta file
37 Days Ago
setting up asset zoo scene for snow setup ahead of time
37 Days Ago
exported latest minigun ammo backpack
37 Days Ago
added chains_a for door frames
37 Days Ago
MonumentIsland_Bradley test scene
37 Days Ago
Remove the old BuildCubeMaps
37 Days Ago
Dynamic cubemap component settings
37 Days Ago
Added Minigun 4K Textures
37 Days Ago
deleting unused coaling tower models/prefabs that were redundant
37 Days Ago
Remove unsued, clean up
37 Days Ago
Updated snow effect material config
37 Days Ago
Cubemapper tests Remove all ggx code for now & just copy directly to cubemap array TextureCube with mipmaps and arrays and mipmaps Move texture logic from cubemapper to c# Stub for cubemapper_cs, will calculate both GGX and spherical harmonics all in GPU Handle all array index stuff in cubemapper Allow for single sliced cubemap array, needed to be able to render an independent texture in the renderer since it expects a TextureCubeArray, also allow TSPEC_CUBE_CAN_SAMPLE_AS_ARRAY if we want UAV Also fix a problem where CTextureManagerVulkan::GetImageView wouldn't work with a cubemap array as a rwtexture2darray in compute shaders Fix cube orientation when copying, do texture per envmap probe instead of a singleton array, this will cause headaches with multiple envmaps intersecting but makes it much simpler GGX filtering Don't bother with writing cubemap normalization right now (in fact disable it for now!), reuse previous mip so that we have more quality with less samples Assert isn't valid anymore in ComputeImageViews since we can pass a cube array Do cubemapper processing of all faces at once without using intermediary copies, 4-8x speedup (~17ms > ~2.5ms), still needs to be faster https://i.imgur.com/b61mX1Y.png Rendersystemvulkan: Alllow binding specific cubemap [ & arrays ] mips if UAV
37 Days Ago
Tweak citizen eye ao add compilled avatar scene (!)
37 Days Ago
added dynamic_container_style 1/2/3 prefabs
37 Days Ago
Use faster _aligned_malloc in physics system
37 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #10443