2,558 Commits over 1,947 Days - 0.05cph!
Backup: WIP crude gestures - animation working files
Scene backups - easter 2024 poster media
More spawnable static props with "on" appearance - candle sets, individual candles, furnace large + small, electric furnace.
Fixed "alwaysOn" static hobobarrel missing sounds and entity script. Manifest update.
talk_06 anim settings fix
Scene backup - Adobe building skin setup
Added video header to Adobe building skin page. Updated existing image media assets.
Updated MoveSelected to remember last chosen target object
MoveSelected editor script - quicker method for moving bulk game objects into another object
Legacy wood building skin video header
Shipping container video header
Added cinematic gestures for kick and push anims from frontier bar door interaction. Re-linked drink and chicken cinematic gestures
Added talk_06 cinematic animation
Poster scene backup: 'Light the Way' hero
Lighting additions for heli wreck fire
Replace Selected + Mulligan Renamer editor plugins
Fixed floating dressing/props
Media asset updates for several store pages
Tweaked/simplified some of the wording for help prompts. Fixed a few cases where key stroke IDs were not specified.
Updated help prompt assets
Updated Abyss pack store item previews with unique prefabs
Frontier decor pack now uses unique model prefabs for item store preview (displays variants)
NPC angry anim tweaks. Updated NPC seed number
Updated Diver hazmat preview - now showcases the helmet and tank variants
Removed old poses directory