2,558 Commits over 1,947 Days - 0.05cph!
Moved poses to media directory
Anim converter temp directory
Skeleton prefab/asset tweaks
Simple bones menu context script update
Refined jaw movement in tutorial NPC anims. Updated NPC attire.
Adjusted Tutorial NPC head look weight to 0.5
Lowered opacity of building guide placement material
█▊▆▉▆█ - ▋▌▉▍▅█ ▄▄▍▇▋ ▉▆▄ ▍▇▄▉ ▍▄▍▍▆▇▌▆ ▅▊▇▊▌▆ ▋▆▉▅▇▇
Moved NPC position a little lower to avoid floating
WIP NPC "angry exit" controller state
Updated a few help prompts with new videos
Tweaked NPC controller with improved idle to talk anim blending. Added angry state for implementation
Updated tutorial welcome prompt with video asset + slight formatting and layout changes
Cinematic scene file tweak
Removed old timeline asset. Timing tweaks to cinematic
Updated temp audio mixdown for tutorial cinematic
Animation polish pass for end tutorial cinematic
WIP tutorial ending cinematic - updated with new animations and timeline
Enabled foot IK for Tutorial NPC anim states + added avatar switcher script
Applied subtle fade in and out to backpack UI when opened/closed