2,558 Commits over 1,947 Days - 0.05cph!
▉▊▍▍▇▋▋█▇▉▇▆█▋ ▄▅▅▄█▄▅▇▄ ▆▅▊▋▇▊▉▇▊▊▍ (█▌▊▍▍ ▇▍█▆)
Tutorial island anims/projects backup
Tutorial NPC anims update. Added talking anim
Merge from media_projects
Merge from youtooz_deployables
Cherrypick shared/birthday10
Backups: 10th Birthday media scenes + assets
RecorderSettingPreset backup (WIP)
EmptyIsland_01 scene/map backup
Merge from media_projects
Del dev camera mat conflict
Quixel importer + directories
Spawnable static props (torchholder_on, tunalight_on, fireplace_on, lab tables, catina chair)
Added kick and push cine gestures (from frontier bar door interaction).
Added drink and chicken cine gestures - previously unlinked.
Media greybox scene tweak
Disable Sequences package for now
Removed underground rotor mesh
Fixed NPC idle anim not looping
Tutorial NPC wip idle anim. Updated player controller + gesture asset.
Added "NoEnv" variants of terrain_trigger and water_trigger - prevents pitch darkness (useful for certain mapping scenarios).