
10,548 Commits over 3,653 Days - 0.12cph!

7 Years Ago
Scene2Prefab caves
7 Years Ago
Cave spikes are their own entity (required to preserve immortality and disabled decay after save load)
7 Years Ago
Changed save file extension to .sav instead of .map.sav
7 Years Ago
Enabled item condition on sleeping bags and ladders
7 Years Ago
▋▇▄▌▌▉▆ ▋█▅▅▍▆▄ █▆█▍▉ ▋▍▄ ▆█▄▌▌▉▌▌▆_▍▄▆▍▆▍▌▉▅▋
7 Years Ago
Fixed repair being free on some objects that only cost a very small amount of resources (for instance reinforced window bars, RUST-1692)
7 Years Ago
██▍▇▄ ▊█▆▇▊▆▇▅.▋▇▊▇▇▋█▍▋_█▌▊▇▌▌▋█▌▋
7 Years Ago
▍▋▊▉█▉ ▌▋█▄ ▄▅▋▆▄▆▋▍▌▌ ▄▄▊▆▋▍ ▊█ ▄▆▅ (▄▆█▋▉▉▆▍.▋▌▆▊▆▆▄█▄)
7 Years Ago
█▄▇▌▍█ ▇▆▉█ ▋▍█▋▋▌▅ ▉▌▆ ▅▆ ▋▉▌▊▉▄
7 Years Ago
Presumably fixed ammo wooden box skin
7 Years Ago
Bundle test
7 Years Ago
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7 Years Ago
Include item info in ToString() of world items
7 Years Ago
Bundle fuckshit
7 Years Ago
Added Tools/Find/Asset Memory Usage
7 Years Ago
Fixing readable flag on driftwood clutter meshes
7 Years Ago
Experiment: Meshes in their own asset bundle, viewmodels back to main content bundle
7 Years Ago
Fixed being unable to harvest helicopter gibs (RUST-1690)
7 Years Ago
Bundle splits
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Guntrap prefab labels
7 Years Ago
▄▌ ▆▉▅▌▆▌▌▌▍ ▉▅▆▉▍█
7 Years Ago
Window bars and embrasures now store item condition Window bar and embrasure item condition is reduced by half when picking them up Network++
7 Years Ago
Another tweak
7 Years Ago
Furnace deploy volume tweak
7 Years Ago
Floor spikes block foundation placement
7 Years Ago
Can place floor grills above large furnace Network++
7 Years Ago
Decay initialization fix
7 Years Ago
CheckBounds tweak
7 Years Ago
Added CheckBounds to GamePhysics
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Pulled the plug on the rest of our string-style invokes with the exception of ServerMgr, CommunityEntity and DecalRecycle
7 Years Ago
Moved decay processing to a central building manager (no more semi-randomized invokes with dubious performance implications) Decay now applies to all twig building blocks (higher tiers still foundation only, but can potentially decay if outside in the future)
7 Years Ago
Bundle test
7 Years Ago
Fixed AI "look rotation vieweing vector is zero" (RUST-1686)
7 Years Ago
Don't strip tool cupboard triggers from the client (so demolish / rotate UI options match server side checks)
7 Years Ago
Fixed a tiny pink shell in the SMG viewmodel
7 Years Ago
Fixed pink SMG magazine in first person
7 Years Ago
Bundle fuckery
7 Years Ago
Fixed some missing materials on old workshop skins
7 Years Ago
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7 Years Ago
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7 Years Ago
▋▊▉▊▉▅▍▆▇▅▅ ▉▌▌█▆
7 Years Ago
Force workshop skin assets to textures.content
7 Years Ago
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7 Years Ago
...also BillboardRenderer
7 Years Ago
...and ParticleSystemRenderer as well
7 Years Ago
Skip particle renderers when finding missing materials (they're weird)
7 Years Ago
Added Tools/Find/Missing Materials
7 Years Ago
Don't attempt to batch stuff when their material is null