
105,877 Commits over 3,806 Days - 1.16cph!

7 Months Ago
new version of military flame thrower viewmodel fbx - mesh to setup and get started with anims - textures not final - no world models yet
7 Months Ago
final alignment to the structure to match welds moonpool and beams detailed greybox
7 Months Ago
Metal roof textures Update
7 Months Ago
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7 Months Ago
merged from keycard_color_fix
7 Months Ago
merge from wounded_map_fix
7 Months Ago
merged from workshoplightfix
7 Months Ago
merge from map_entity_load_fix
7 Months Ago
Add a NavMeshObstacle for the Bradley that gets toggled with deployed status.
7 Months Ago
Added an AIInformationZone to Bradley. Added move/cover AI data points. Toggle the AIInformationZone on/off with deployed status. Assign the AIZ as a virtual AIZ to Scientists when spawning them.
7 Months Ago
Merge from main
7 Months Ago
Moved NPC position a little lower to avoid floating
7 Months Ago
Tutorial NPC now looks at player when they are in range
7 Months Ago
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7 Months Ago
Allow for custom camera far clip distance as well. Reduce to 0.5m for roadsign gloves, to not show the rear glove.
7 Months Ago
Allow custom pivot points for items in the skin viewer, to override the automatic pivot on a case-by-case basis. Set custom pivot point for roadsign gloves.
7 Months Ago
Merge from tutorial_island
7 Months Ago
Set up skin scripts properly for things like roadsign gloves
7 Months Ago
WIP NPC "angry exit" controller state
7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
Updated a few help prompts with new videos
7 Months Ago
Tweaked NPC controller with improved idle to talk anim blending. Added angry state for implementation
7 Months Ago
Added button to reset tutorial in options menu
7 Months Ago
Change default flush interval from 1 min -> 5 min
7 Months Ago
Store session start timestamp (when demo recording started) in header Use connection Guid instead of dictionary in player lookup (to avoid players reconnecting causing issues) - change DemoPlayerInfo.SteamId -> Guid (ulong technically) Change path to `server-demos/{serverid}/sessions/{sessionid}/{chunkid}.sdem` (to make it easier to navigate in azure) Fix compressedSize in demo header being incorrect (FileStream.Length > FileStream.Position)
7 Months Ago
Switch from `demo_server_id` -> `server_id` convar - save across restarts - set server_id on startup if not set Remove `upload_token` convar, rely on putting SAS token in upload endpoint for now (can polish later once we figure out how we want to refresh tokens) Fix hardcoded "test" container and use the container from the SAS url
7 Months Ago
Added loading spinner to show that a 3D skin view is loading. Added a callback for skin set failure to hide the loading circle.
7 Months Ago
Fixed rug skins not showing up
7 Months Ago
Fixed more issues with skins not loading or loading incorrectly
7 Months Ago
Updated tutorial welcome prompt with video asset + slight formatting and layout changes
7 Months Ago
Merge from main -> full_server_demos
7 Months Ago
Refactor into multiple .cs files as the code has grown
7 Months Ago
Flagging prefabs
7 Months Ago
IO entities snapping first pass When deploying any electrical/industrial item, press left shift to align and snap to nearby entities
7 Months Ago
Merge from tutorial_island
7 Months Ago
Added debug.cleartutorialforplayer server convar If a player gets stuck in the tutorial for any reason, this will delete the island and reset the player back to it's regular state on the mainland (will also kill the player if they are alive)
7 Months Ago
Cleaned up kill warnings when cleaning up the tutorial
7 Months Ago
Updated convars; fixed NaNs and NREs
7 Months Ago
Fix most skin viewing being broken
7 Months Ago
Updated Tool Cupboard mission wording
7 Months Ago
Sunlight direction fix
7 Months Ago
Fixed viewmodel lingering for several seconds when cinematic starts
7 Months Ago
Clear rendertexture assignment when SkinViewer is destroyed
7 Months Ago
Typo fix Added ability to check existing inventory when a craft mission objective starts, will mark that step as completed if the player already has a target item in inventory Applied new behaviour to craft campfire objective Remove "Don't allow tutorial allowance to go down" log
7 Months Ago
Merge from /main/media_projects/deckard
7 Months Ago
Cinematic scene file tweak
7 Months Ago
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7 Months Ago
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7 Months Ago
Bradley doesn't take damage from scientists.
7 Months Ago
Delete demos off disk past a certain quota to avoid consuming entire disk during upload failure Add `server_demo_disk_space_gb` (default 30GB)