257,433 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!

15 Days Ago
NRE fix
15 Days Ago
merge from crafting_update -> aux2
15 Days Ago
merge from cookingv2 -> crafting_update
15 Days Ago
Apply a bit of force to physics objects when shooting them
15 Days Ago
merge from fix_multiple_effect_expiry -> cookingv2
15 Days Ago
Improve tiger leap fidelity
15 Days Ago
Merge from amd_dlss_crash
15 Days Ago
Remove the disabled fog component from sweeper Implement PlayerController.UseLookControls. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7715 Make Subgraph node Priority consistent with Material Editor Priority. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7706
15 Days Ago
Fix modifier removal not working when multiple effects of the same type are active
15 Days Ago
Merge from main
15 Days Ago
Simplified the code for processing the data and log path strings
15 Days Ago
Merge from bee_grenade
15 Days Ago
Minor Sweeper project updates, cleans up the hierarchy and makes things more obvious/easy to navigate.
15 Days Ago
Fixed charge station NREs
15 Days Ago
merge from crafting_update -> aux2
15 Days Ago
merge cookingv2 -> crafting_update
15 Days Ago
merge fix_fridge_io_arrow -> cookingv2
15 Days Ago
Fix fridge not showing IO arrow - enable main power slot - set IO arrow direction
15 Days Ago
Optim: Avoid handling null cases in a batch with only non-null values - Also updated the test to spawn entities, since now it's a requirement for the func. This removes the need to juggle data to setup batch operations. Should save a bit of time. Tests: Ran the updated unit tests
15 Days Ago
fix and recompile cable_reel_01
15 Days Ago
electrical enclosures - added tint masks https://files.facepunch.com/jason/1b2411b1/sbox-dev_4nnX2xBEjM.jpg
15 Days Ago
Updated Bee Grenade Worldmodel FBX and Bee Grenade Worldmodel Material
15 Days Ago
Merge from armor_slots
15 Days Ago
Removed collider from Tripmine world model, resolves #160
15 Days Ago
Applied IsArmor flag to all armor slot container mods.
15 Days Ago
Fixed crossbow pickup worldmodel network mode being set to Never
15 Days Ago
Flush events in a thread
15 Days Ago
MP5 uses a separate shoot delay, resolves #166
15 Days Ago
Some summaries
15 Days Ago
Up the 40mm grenade ammo pickup respawn time (5s -> 30s)
15 Days Ago
Crowbar: Swing delay is contextual, remove subsequent swing damage modifier
15 Days Ago
Fix for more consistent item swapping
15 Days Ago
Removed unused Bee Grenade Glass AO Map
15 Days Ago
Merge from hopper (new instance of human gib files)
15 Days Ago
Gluon gun: Take 2 ammo per tick, increased tick damage (7.5 -> 12.5)
15 Days Ago
▅▇▄ ▍▉▆█▋ ▊▉█▍ ▊▋▉█▉▅▌▍▇▍ ▅▉▋▅ ▊▆▊▉▇ ▇▌▅▉ ▋▉▉█▅ ▌▊▉ ▄▆▄▅▌▋ - ▌▌ ▊▍▄ ▊▆▅▉▅█ ▉▆▄ ▅▆▅▅█▅▋▌▍▊▊▅▋ █▄▆▋▄ ▌█▌▊▊▇ ▋█ ▇▉▄▇▍ ▊▊▉▇ ▋▅ ▌▊▊▄▍▌▍ ▆▍▍▌▅▇.
15 Days Ago
resized textures
15 Days Ago
Added CameraComponent.FovAxis, can choose between `Horizontal` or `Vertical`. Field of View properties are hidden when Orthographic is true. Related to #1822
15 Days Ago
sunken knife world model LODs, prefeb. .entity/.item/icon/.projectile prefabs setup haven't done viewmodel yet.
15 Days Ago
Player.EquipBestWeapon won't switch away from the equipped if it's the best
15 Days Ago
Cherry pick 114193: Fix wolves sliding on spawn
15 Days Ago
Merge from npc_check_spawner_is_on_navmesh
15 Days Ago
Merge from fix_tick_fire_detection_log_spam
15 Days Ago
Merge from fix_fsm_endless_recursion_log_spam
15 Days Ago
Added a different way to process the data and log paths for the DLSS plugin
15 Days Ago
Update test wanderer navlink callbacks
15 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
15 Days Ago
Apply wolf meat change again?
15 Days Ago
Update Bee Grenade Materials and Textures
15 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update