239,362 Commits over 3,837 Days - 2.60cph!

16 Days Ago
Merge: from main Tests: built all modes in editor
16 Days Ago
Update: document and test StringView.IndexOf Tests: ran the new unit tests
16 Days Ago
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16 Days Ago
Prevent being able to bully wolves by repeatedly shooting at their feet to scare them away, fix wolves trying to cancel their reaction to fire
16 Days Ago
Streamline wolf interruption behaviour, assign target upon hearing noise
16 Days Ago
Polish and budget NPC hearing, reduce charge range
16 Days Ago
Radtown no build increased Dropzone position change S2P
16 Days Ago
softened canyon_a pinch
16 Days Ago
removed hurt volume from the frontier gate
16 Days Ago
actions update
16 Days Ago
fixed offsets in the frontier gate prefab setup renderer lod on the frontier wall variants
16 Days Ago
Services api (#1658) Nothing should visibly change for end users
16 Days Ago
WIP editor for TweakUIPresetSelect for easier editing of preset blocks
16 Days Ago
Don't run physics in editor
16 Days Ago
merge from main -RC
16 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #13708
16 Days Ago
Applied new changes to ak for testing
16 Days Ago
Fix package error version
16 Days Ago
Exposed support for IK hint on left hand
16 Days Ago
Get rid of this optional render attributes, add it when it's needed
16 Days Ago
Simplified editing process, eliminated a few button presses
16 Days Ago
Fix exception
16 Days Ago
Military tunnels S2P
16 Days Ago
Arctic base S2P
16 Days Ago
Similarly, increased the player check radius on BaseSpawnPoint from hard-coded 2m to 10m. Added OnDrawGizmos to BaseSpawnPoint to visualise the radius. Due to how this is implemented, RadialSpawnPoint now uses 10m by default as well, but I've increased it to 20m manually for all scientist spawns. 10m is probably a better default anyway since we use the same spawn script for barrels etc as well.
16 Days Ago
Allow for multi-bounce reflections on EnvmapProbe
16 Days Ago
Make sure all cubemaps are up to date when loading/unloading mapinstances, cubemaps placed on scene weren't getting updated
16 Days Ago
Added playerCheckMargin as an additional margin around the spawn radius for human player checks in RadialSpawnPoint. New default value is 20m. Previously this used a const of 1m, so this does significantly change the behaviour of all existing RadialSpawnPoint users, but it prevents NPCs spawning closely to players.
16 Days Ago
GPU Shadow Culling light list is stored on camera where it should belong rather than on lightbinner, a lightbinner can be shared across multiple views causing issues, this also guarantees proper lifetime of list since lightbinner pool is only flushed on shutdown https://files.facepunch.com/sam/1b0411b1/sbox-dev_Esvot2kDTb.mp4
16 Days Ago
Sample three points from the aim poses instead of two, use barycentric co-ordinates to blend between them
16 Days Ago
More robust code for RefreshLockState
16 Days Ago
Hopefully fixed modular car code lock showing green light instead of the intended red after moving out of network range and back
16 Days Ago
DrawSceneObject can take attributes, by default these will come from Graphics.Attributes so Graphics.SetupLighting will now work with scene object render
16 Days Ago
Update model components, disable deprecated stuff
16 Days Ago
Updated aim data
16 Days Ago
Fix conflicting right hand aim
16 Days Ago
Parent merge
16 Days Ago
Merge from main
16 Days Ago
16 Days Ago
Shadergraph: Add multiple outputs for float2, float3, float4 on Combine node
16 Days Ago
Shadergraph: Add distance node
16 Days Ago
Added wallpaper pack icon
16 Days Ago
Hide these properties on unary nodes
16 Days Ago
Shadergraph: Fix node menu not getting all nodes from plug drag, all nodes are relevant in shadergraph, at least for now
16 Days Ago
Shadergraph: Properties window uses the modern control sheet Comment node uses text area for description
16 Days Ago
Move fixed update to shared tick so it can execute in editor, the docs say it should
16 Days Ago
lods and collision for frontier walls
16 Days Ago
Shadergraph: Add world tangent node, U and V tangent outputs
16 Days Ago
Fixed deployables being placeable on the digital clock
16 Days Ago
Generate a thumbnail when creating an organization, handle case across the site where we don't have existing images https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b0411b1/PbojEVIl05.png