
763 Commits over 2,496 Days - 0.01cph!

1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
moved green bandit roof to its own prefab to try and fix weird ice transform rotation. Removed floating star and blue light strips
1 Year Ago
Removed old bandit town xmas lighting prefab, made sure it uses newer version. Tweaked ice rooftops so they don't clip through interior walls. Removed snowman on helipad. Remopved marketplace light strips. Fixed clipping barrel on fishing_village_C.
1 Year Ago
updated with damian's new prefabs
1 Year Ago
rebuild bandit town xmas prefab , re nested prefabs, created individual ice roof per building, S2P
1 Year Ago
added batch scripts to xmas prefabs. Rebuilt fishing_village_c xmas prefab as it had become unpacked by mistake
1 Year Ago
gingerbread mines scene
1 Year Ago
flipped faces on xmas tree tinsel to avoid shadowing, added fishing village c xmas decor, added lamp post lights to fishing village b
1 Year Ago
added xmas prefabs to bandit town and fishing village a and b
1 Year Ago
ice roofs on bandit town xmas
1 Year Ago
more on bandit town xmas, cloth shader on tree pot rug, ice_roof static prefabs
1 Year Ago
more on fishingvillage_b_xmas
1 Year Ago
fishing village b xmas preset
1 Year Ago
more on bandittown xmas prefab, added some more icicle variants to static prefabs
1 Year Ago
tweaked normals on tinsel to be more cylindrical, improvements to material. added xmas lights green and yellow variants. populating bandit town
1 Year Ago
fixed missing xmas_tree_rug material and textures
1 Year Ago
large xmas tree static
1 Year Ago
xmas_tree_pot_rug model and textures
1 Year Ago
fixed uvs on snow_pile_3x6, added snow_pile_9x9
1 Year Ago
staticprop tinsel endcaps and some different colour material variations
1 Year Ago
advent_star static prop
1 Year Ago
more sugar on gumdrops, tweaks to SSS
1 Year Ago
gumdrop_lights various colours, innitial prefab setup with test light
1 Year Ago
snow_pile_3x6 model and prefab
1 Year Ago
centred lights on light strips
1 Year Ago
committed to correct branch. Scaled up lights 40%, added varied colour version
1 Year Ago
scaled up bulbs 40% and added varied colour version
1 Year Ago
model import settings
1 Year Ago
Added building pieces with fixed pivot rotations. Added to new folders so they don't overwrite the existing ones.
1 Year Ago
tinsel strip, holly, light strip, sleigh bell, new material, first pass
1 Year Ago
tweaked colour values, wip
1 Year Ago
added 9th and 10th birthday balloon textures, updated material to show 9th birthday
1 Year Ago
wip ammo
1 Year Ago
changed from standard cloth to standard shader on lumberjack_hazmat_torso and _gloves to avoid shader level bug in viewmodel
1 Year Ago
9th birthday cake setup and icon
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
axe bake changes on to media_projects branch