224,837 Commits over 3,714 Days - 2.52cph!

12 Days Ago
New Crowdin translations by GitHub Action
12 Days Ago
Go from target GameObject's root downward for detecting IDamageables Add Weapon.UpdateRenderMode, to hide the world model when locally controlling a player
12 Days Ago
Add workflow_dispatch trigger to crowdin action
12 Days Ago
Simplify damage, make it less shit
12 Days Ago
Added "Decal Layer Mask" property to terrain and terrain-blend shaders
12 Days Ago
Fix loot crates on the cargo ship getting picked up by the building check and being destroyed immediately on spawning (didn't affect code locked crates) Cargo ship will no longer destroy entities parented to it as part of the building check
12 Days Ago
Fixed inaccurate damage numbers being pushed to the danger zones. This should stop the heli from fleeing until the player has removed around 30% HP exactly
12 Days Ago
player update. added rootbone mask to ak47 rigged deploy and reload fbx anims
12 Days Ago
New Hat - Trapper Hat Cosy winter hat, LODs coming asap https://files.facepunch.com/daniel/1b2411b1/sbox-dev_LhRhTPsrhS.jpg
12 Days Ago
Fix frenzy + checkpoints not resetting correctly
12 Days Ago
Frenzy collect
12 Days Ago
Nightlight button tweaks
12 Days Ago
Additional debugging Further optimisation to zone score updating
12 Days Ago
Added a button to toggle nightlight in the Workshop scene
12 Days Ago
fixed tier 3 lootbox rotation 'DM Tier 3 Lootbox.prefab' updated
12 Days Ago
Ensured start spinout is called on death enter instead Fixed some extra unwanted state transitions
12 Days Ago
When in debug camera, instanlty disable nightlight instead of fading it out over a few seconds (if nightlight_debugcamera_enabled is false)
12 Days Ago
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12 Days Ago
Publish: handle libraries referencing each other during compile
12 Days Ago
Fixed 'env.nightlight_enabled' convar not being evaluated during the whole night Added 'debugging.debugcamera_nightlight' to disable nightlight when using debug camera, off by default
12 Days Ago
Retain upload case sensitivity when upload a source package Wrap FileSystem.ProjectSettings in a AggFileSystem, so when it's disposed it doesn't dispose the package's filesystem. What a fucking mess. Move CreateProjectFolders so it can be called from elsewhere
12 Days Ago
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12 Days Ago
SignTool path fix
12 Days Ago
Added UnicastAttribute / codegen Warn in OnObjectMessage if ActiveScene is not set Document UnicastAttribute
12 Days Ago
Prepare world item prefabs, updating the physic mat on all of them to the new one. The new physics mat is a specific one for dropped items, so if we want to edit it again, we'll be able to just edit the mat instead of every world item
12 Days Ago
Workspace test 8
12 Days Ago
Workspace test 7
12 Days Ago
Upon changing a component type to abstract and you have component references, add it as a missing component
12 Days Ago
Workspace test 6
12 Days Ago
Workspace test 5
12 Days Ago
Workspace test 4
12 Days Ago
This is a better solution to case sensitivity
12 Days Ago
Workspace test 3
12 Days Ago
Workspace test 2
12 Days Ago
Workspace test
12 Days Ago
Merge from cargo_double_dock
12 Days Ago
S2P bandit town
12 Days Ago
merge from promote_leader_update
12 Days Ago
merge from vms_missing_renderer_scripts
12 Days Ago
merge from mission_improvements_may_24 (bandit_town.prefab kept source changes, will need another S2P)
12 Days Ago
merge from junkpile_aizs
12 Days Ago
merge from tree_serverside_movement
12 Days Ago
merge from viewmodelrenderers
12 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #11274
12 Days Ago
Manifest file upload check should be ignoring case
12 Days Ago
Fixed misconfigured viewmodel renderers on: Cake Flashlight Beancan grenade Molotov cocktail Water bucket
12 Days Ago
Fixed both flamethrowers not being correctly marked as using the viewmodel renderer Update FlameJet component so that it works in viewmodel renderers, just need to tick external update on the component and the parent EffectParent will handle updating it in the correct world space
12 Days Ago
Fixed gmod toolgun beam not using the right viewmodel space
12 Days Ago
Add legacy crane colliders (crane_tower_a_COL and crane_base_a_COL) from 60177 as new assets (junkyard_crane_base_a_COL and junkyard_crane_tower_a_COL) and apply them to the junkyard_crane_a asset
12 Days Ago
Update hard-coded string ref to the old material