244,454 Commits over 3,898 Days - 2.61cph!
Switch to a canvas instead of a renderer, store player name
Compute mass for hull
Compute mass for sphere and capsule
Temporary signal light FX test method. Fixed missing renderer assignments on signal light B.
Steal a bunch of logic from the photoframe
Fixed missing toggle assignment
Setting up train signal lights and network flags
Tpose + preview scene updates
MVN Rig + import preset update
Merge Main -> rail_network_link
Merge Main -> Experimental
Define player heli engine starting flag
Show the old default BaseEntity.Flags inspector if we don't find an associated entity
Any inspector dropdowns that set an Entity.Flags mask now show, in brackets, any custom defined names for those flags in the full class hierarchy of the nearest parent entity.
New "Print defined flags" context menu option for BaseEntity, that prints out the list of flags that have been defined in the class heirarchy. Fixed the flags list in EntityFlag_ToggleEditor not including private or protected flag defines.
Merge IsVisibleRedo -> Main
Merge EntityFlagToggleWarning -> Main
Merge from base_decor_dlc/trophies
Track horse breed with trophy, display appropriate breed
Merge rail_network_link -> Aux2
Fixed head not being harvested on last gather hit
Fixed missing give notice
Move team invite from server raycast to clientside to improve reliability of team invite
Network SkyCameraEntit.SkyboxScale and remove unused shit
Do the same for HullCreateBox so we can get player hull starting to work
Merge from base_decor_dlc
Consolidate current game project logic further, make these tests better reflect use case
HullCreate with just the vertices until we have a shared hull class or interface
Set up dlc steam item and assigned to current items
Add 4th slot to m39 so you can attach scope + muzzle + laser + extended mag
Adjusted both planter volumes to lift slightly off the ground and stop intersecting with the floor
Moved in the wheels on the cart planter so the player stops trying to climb the side of the cart
Fixed bathtub planter colliders getting removed from the server
Removed bath tub art prefab
Implement rest of item volume
Store the original triangle index on BVH before it runs through mesh builder and sorting so we can get the original triangle and triangle material
Switch from forked to stable MonoMod.RuntimeDetour
Make sure we generate a sln and sync package manager when a project isn't launched straight from the .sbproj
No more .addon upgrading
This seems redundant and like it'll cause something unpredicted in the future
Can load http:// images
Updated trimsheet rect to use tiling
More fixes and cherrypicks
If any HammerEntity fails to parse don't shit the bed for all of them
WrapPropertySet, WrapPropertyGet, WrapMethod
Added Tiling option to hotspot
Tiling regions are defined in the SubRect tool
Run WrapSet and WrapGet if both are specified. When passing to static callback always pass propertyName or methodName as fully qualified name.
Support type argument for return type and Func param
Nicer error when can't find type to invoke on for passed callback name
CodeGeneratorFlags/CodeGeneratorAttribute renaming