224,227 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.54cph!

52 Days Ago
Unmangle SDL Steam Audio: check for AVX512 before using it
52 Days Ago
CollisionActionComponent, TriggerActionComponent These will all get deprecated with #1458 anyway
52 Days Ago
player update. snowball gun entity edited to use r prop also gun held position and holster positions edited. grenade launcher holster position edited and combat knife held postion slighlty changed
52 Days Ago
merge from nightlight_water_fix
52 Days Ago
merge from tutorial_bag_improvements
52 Days Ago
merge from tutorial_island/keys_fix
52 Days Ago
merge from burst_indicator_fix
52 Days Ago
Make AssetSystem.IsCloudInstalled a bit safe EventSystem gets inner exception from TargetException WorldPanel mark panel as null when disabling Wrap ControlSheet in try get to prevent catastrophe
52 Days Ago
oilrig_1 s2p
52 Days Ago
oilrig sat tube models and prefabs, triggers tweaked oilrig raw metalness texture to limit white halo around rust level hierarchy cleanup
52 Days Ago
Merge from main
52 Days Ago
merge from main
52 Days Ago
StyleSheetCollection replaces old parsed value when calling Parse Fix menu not loading in editor properly
52 Days Ago
Add Component.OnParentChanged Update GameObjectInspector.cs Create avatar.scene PanelComponent updates parent panel when changing parent
52 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #10156
52 Days Ago
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52 Days Ago
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52 Days Ago
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52 Days Ago
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52 Days Ago
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52 Days Ago
Check for and apply Harmony mod updates automatically while the server is running
52 Days Ago
Don't wipe the players sleeping bags when starting the tutorial, don't show mainland bags while the player is in the tutorial
52 Days Ago
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52 Days Ago
Fixed clothing being reset when deselecting
52 Days Ago
Fix burst indicator missing on belt bar icons, looks like the nested prefabs lost their connection during a tutorial merge. The prefab links are now restored and the belt bar binds are set up again.
52 Days Ago
Fix for RPC error in StartTutorial if no ping data had been initialised on the server
52 Days Ago
Fix adding and removing clothing
52 Days Ago
Actually fix clothing dresser
52 Days Ago
Don't rebuild skeleton, since that method is editor only!
52 Days Ago
SourceLocation ILHotload test Use built-in FindNode( getInnermostNodeForTie: true ) for ILHotload #1492 Fix ILHotload handling SourceLocation attributes I'm not sure why it wasn't skipping before
52 Days Ago
Terrain default cast shadows off Heightmap import support mac byte order Remake heightmap/controlmap texture when importing at a different size Fix enums on ReflectionSerializedObject properties
52 Days Ago
merge from store-ui
52 Days Ago
merge from tutorial_timetrack_fix
52 Days Ago
merge from vendor_ui_condition_support
52 Days Ago
reapplying 93880 vendor_ui_emoji_support
52 Days Ago
52 Days Ago
Fixed demo map using old stuff
52 Days Ago
Fixed compile clothing error
52 Days Ago
Very basic editor tint when entering play mode sbox-issues/issues/4333
52 Days Ago
Fix showing project launch errors
52 Days Ago
merge from fix_tut_lag
52 Days Ago
merge from fix_tut_lag
52 Days Ago
splat some shit
52 Days Ago
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52 Days Ago
Add mips to texture editor Fix GPU crash when ReadTexturePixels is provided a srcRect that exceeds texture size Terrain: Add splatting with layers, add heightmap imports, switch to editortool subtools
52 Days Ago
Gradient editor lets you press delete to remove the selected point Resolves sbox-issues/issues/4963
52 Days Ago
Actually do whitelist disabling right omg
52 Days Ago
Actually increase max number of server tags to show to 4 Add the new `tut` tag to the server.tags autocorrect
52 Days Ago
Change how we disable whitelist for recursed folders
52 Days Ago
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