117,448 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
- Changes the way you can know a tiger is tailing you, previous one gave too little time to react when you noticed what was wrong
- Makes tiger flee when dragging a body if someone gets too close
- Remove roar
- Fix logic error in Trans_IsInTargetViewCone (a bug was negating another bug, so it remained unnoticeable)
Merge from armor_insert_techtree_ui
Added armor insert information display to tech tree UI
merge from crafting_techtree
Techtree progress, plates, primitive and general clean up
Merge from armor_insert_crafting_screen_ui
Crafting screen armor insert information display
▇▅▉▄▆ ▍▊▍▍ ▋▌▉▋▉_█▋▊▇█▉_▆█▌▍▌▇▊
▇▉▅ ▊▇▆▋▍▋▍▇ ▍▇▉▄▉▌▄▇ ▋▍▍▉▆▊ ▄▍▆▊▄▋▌▆▋ ▌▇▊ ▋▇▌▌▉▌▅▆▊▇▇▌
▋▆-██▌ ▇▇▇▊▉▊▆▊▄▇▌▇█▇▇▌▋▇ ▌▉█▅▊▇▆▇▉, ▌▋█▆▌▄▅▆ ▅▆▆▄ ▋▋▄▇▋ ▉▇▍▊▊▊▄▌▊ ▌█ ▆▋▄▇▆ ▄▇▍▉
merge from fix_copy_radius -> main
Fix copyradius not working after moving clientside
Removed some TriggerHurt logs
Created a custom bee trigger hurt to support modifying the hurt info
Fixes PvE
Merge from crafting_slots_rolls
Applied matching armour slot settings to knight pants and hat
Fix logic not respecting minimum slots
Assign OwnerId to bee swarms spawned from grenades
Increased deployed beehive prevent building volume
Increase max LOD count for LOD converters
Fixed cooking workbench client NRE
Clientside rotation (this is ok so long as we use a square/sphere collider lol
- Set up really crappy move forward script
- Use item mod instead
- Temporarily set LODS to all be LOD0
Setup tech to allow an entity to be created on a throw. Brand new entity throw specific methods and a bunch of conversion + helper stuff added throughout.
fixes, unwrap source mesh UVs
Setup throw, throw_ready and throw_cancel animation events
Fixed broken aim animation
Add support for viewmodel renderer
Reapply cooling and warming tea recipe produced item
Merge from coop_monument_fix
virtualitemicon_nre_fix -> crafting_update
Merge from crafting_slots_rolls
Fix virtual item icon nre
Adjusted logic to support items with different caps (eg. metal facemask). If an item has a maximum of 1 armour slot then it will now be a 50% chance of a slot appearing and 100% while the crafting tea is active
Fixed orchids, roses and sunflowers having bait value
Fixed being able to deploy chicken coops in monuments