224,153 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.54cph!

1 Year Ago
merge from esp_improvements
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Create README.md
1 Year Ago
Initial commit Added default material
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Renamed Twitch Rivals dropbox panel
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
Allow resolving newer versions of assemblies in AccessControl
1 Year Ago
▇▋▇▋▄▋█▋▊▅ ▄█▅▅ ▇▄▄▍▍▌▉▊ ▆▌ ▌▆▍ ▋█▊▊▇ █▉ ▉▉▊▊▉▋▋█▇ ▋▇ ▆▅▅█▄▇▉ █▅█▊█ █▌▌▌▋▇▍▉ ▋▄▉▉▋█▇█
1 Year Ago
merge from building_skins_3
1 Year Ago
Fixed several gibs read and write error messages when construction is destroyed
1 Year Ago
main -> building_skins_£
1 Year Ago
merge from nuclear_missile_silo
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
merge from recycler_animated_v2
1 Year Ago
adding chain link fence models/textures/material/tileset Merge branch 'master' of sbox Merge branch 'master' of sbox
1 Year Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #2593
1 Year Ago
Main window Viewport with map drag drop and downloading
1 Year Ago
Added crosshair turret for RC view.
1 Year Ago
Assert when creating scene object with model that has no visible meshes, this would result in no native scene object being created and the next handle to mess up Check if model has visible meshes before creating scenemap models Resolve map name for scenemap so it's more forgiving with the map name you give it Don't set light probe textures if they're null
1 Year Ago
▄▆▍▅▊ ▆▄▋▅▋▆▅▌▍▍▉▍▉▉▅▍▋ -> ▆▊▊
1 Year Ago
▉▇▌▉ ▆ ▊▋▆ ▋▊▄ ▋▌ ▇▌'▊▋ ▊▉▄▉ ▍▋▊▇▉▄ █▆ ▉▄▇█ ▅▇▍ ▅▇ ▍▆▆▆ ▋▄█▄▄ ▌▍ ▄▊▋▉▅█▉
1 Year Ago
▍▄▅▆▌▋▇ ▋▊▆ ▇▄▅ ▌▅▄▆▄█▊ ▇ ▋▉▆▆▍▅ ▌▍▋ ▋▅▄ ▅▍▌ ▇▋▋▊█ ▍▅ ▍▌ ▆▊▌▌ ▍▉▇▋▍ ▆▆ █▌▄▌▊█▋▌▉ ▅▍▍ ▌ ▆▋▉▆ ▌▅█▉ (>▊█ ▄▆▆▍▄▆▇)
1 Year Ago
█▋█▄▇▍ ▌▆▉ ▍▉▆█▇██ ▌██▆ ▆█ █▍▅▇▆▅▋▍▇▌▊▅▊▌▉▄▊▄▊▊▉▌▇ ▇▇▌ ▋▌█▌▄▋▄▍ ▇▉▍▄▊▊▉
1 Year Ago
▍█▋▌▍▄ █▋█▉▌█▋ ▋▋▌█▌█▌▅▆▆ ▉▄▊█▉
1 Year Ago
inventory.deployloadout and inventory.clearloadout will no longer apply to random players if no player string is provided, they should now always use the player who called the command
1 Year Ago
Add OverlayNonScaled community UI panel
1 Year Ago
- ▇▉▊▆▉█▄ ▆▄█ ▊▅▊▆▊▍▅▍▇▊▋ ▉▋▉▋ ▋▌▋▊▋ ▌▌▄▄▆▊▆▇, ▍▌▊ ▉▆▇▆▌▍ ▋▇▆▍▄▅▍ ▆▌▌ ▅█▌ ▉▇▊▇▉▌ ▄▊ ▍▍▋ ▌▄▉▄ ▅▆ ▇▆▍▋▄ ▇ ▇▌▋▊▅▋▇▌▄▌▅. - ▆▆▍ ▍▌█▋▆▌▇▉ ▄▄▊ ▌▅▊█▌█▄█ ▍▇▉ ▋▅▍▍▉▅▊▄▍▆▌ ▆▆▉▌▆. - █▆▍▋▋▋▄▆ ▊▋▇▆ ▇▄▋ "▆▊█▄▇▋▇▆▆ ▍▄▅▇▄ ▍█▍▄▆▉▆▄▉ ▋▄▄ ▊▇▌▌█▊▌" ▉▉▉▋█ ▉█▅▄▋.
1 Year Ago
▌▆▍▄▅▉ ▊▋▍▄▌▇ ▄▋▍▇▋▇ ▇▇▉▆▉▅ ▊▄▍▄▇▍ █▉ ▊▍▌▊▇▊ ▋▆▌▆▋▆▋▍ ▊▋▆▅▌▊, █▋▄▉▋▋▇▄ ▉▉▇▍▉▇▋ ▄▌▇▍▅▉▄ █▆▉▆█▋█ ▆▌▅▅▌▅▍▍ ▇▍▊▆▋ ▋▇ ▌▋▋▇▆ ▊▍ ▍▆▊▄▇ ▆▋▄█ ▇▉▉▇▊▆ ▌▋ ▆▋▄█
1 Year Ago
Merge from nms
1 Year Ago
Updated ext fence signs to new prefabs. Fixed position errors NMS S2P
1 Year Ago
▆█▌▇▋ ▍▆▆▉▍▊▍ ▍▅▌█▉█▆ ▅▅▉▄▅ ▇▅█▆▉▉▇▋ █▍▌█▍▉▆▉▉█ ▄▍ ▅▆▉▋▍▋ █▆▆▄ █▋▇▋▍▉ █▄▋▄▉ ▍▉
1 Year Ago
Added some more detail to the error message when SubCategoryIntoContainer reaches the "this should never happen!" point
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Added fence variant signs_generic prefabs - includes a backface + collisions for usage on wired fencing
1 Year Ago
Add description to command
1 Year Ago
Cherrypick 81608
1 Year Ago
Add `skin_radius skin radius` command Add `skin` optional parameter to BuildingBlock.ChangeGrade
1 Year Ago
▊▇▍▌▉ ▋▅▋▊▇▉▉▅▉▍▄▉▅▄█▆▌ -> ▌▋▋
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Found another place for ignoreplayers
1 Year Ago
Disable the knock option on the silo hatch and elevator doors (cleared the knock effect variable) S2P
1 Year Ago
▉▅▆▄▋▆▇ ▋▅▌ ▉▇▇█▅▉▌▊ `▍▌▋▌▆▇▇▄▍██▊▇` ▌▍▊▄▄▋▄ ▇▆▅█▋▊▇
1 Year Ago
Fixed delete button not appearing on list widgets
1 Year Ago
Merge NMS -> Aux2
1 Year Ago
World UV WIP
1 Year Ago
Add a new tab to the server list for nexuses and actually load into the list Broke steam servers though so I gotta fix that Update FP.Nexus
1 Year Ago
Added a toggle to the team markers list on the map to hide them, disables team leader markers appearing in the compass or on the map