224,124 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

29 Days Ago
Restored Unity version to 2021.3.35f1
29 Days Ago
Change scene title/desc
29 Days Ago
Add input testing scene and hud
29 Days Ago
Improve LoadGlyphTexture logic
29 Days Ago
Snapped all crates on cargo ship back to the ground
29 Days Ago
oilrigs s2p
29 Days Ago
fixed flickering decals in moonpool
29 Days Ago
Remove KeyGlyphLoader, supply all keyboard and mouse glyph files Let me know if I missed any buttons, I don't have a numpad on my keyboard so tag me!
29 Days Ago
Enabled custom convex env volumes for oilrig sat tube complex parts (moonpool, tubes)
29 Days Ago
Avoid collection modified error in NetworkPrune (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5280)
29 Days Ago
Expose Input.TriggerVibration (using existing API), hook up SDL_GameControllerRumbleTriggers
29 Days Ago
missing materials
29 Days Ago
fixed colliders of barges being too skinny
29 Days Ago
set up viewmodel renderer script with ammo belt materials included
29 Days Ago
Game Controllers using SDL2 (#1509)
29 Days Ago
Fix minigun belt lod glitch
29 Days Ago
Rip out SteamInput and our Controller API Init SDL_GAMECONTROLLER, add standard mappings file (will move this later), find all of our game controllers on startup, hook up events for handling controller lifetime, button events and analog inputs Turn off steam overlay in the editor again Forward controller button events to managed Forward controller axis events to managed Simple device instance memory (disconnect and reconnecting the same controller should point to the same device), all events pass controller ID Delete Input.AnalogInputs/GetAnalog (might re-add later) GameController -> CGameController, some code refactor, Controller is a handle Update sdl2 lib Didn't mean to push this launch setting Remove legacy sdl haptics code, replace with SDL_GameControllerRumble Implement default LED colors based on instance, rumble the gamepad on every button press test Test passing controller input to input context Parse analog inputs local to each controller, add virtual trigger buttons based from axis result Hook up AnalogLook/AnalogMove for first controller (test) Make prints less obnoxious Re-add Input.UsingController (simpler now) Temporary generated glyphs for gamepad Look for input glyph svgs Plug in a bunch of glyph icons for xbox controller Add GameControllerType_t, expose ControllerType to managed, add GlyphVendor LoadGlyphTexture will look for the controller's vendor and fall back to default if not found Add a few PlayStation glyphs Documentation Support analog input glyphs Add methods for fetching gyroscope and accelerometer readings from specific controllers Remove controller binding panel (not used) Forgot to get rid of this method 🤦 Move GameController ctor to implementation Remove FindControllers, does nothing, was a test for me Native cleanup, add safety, fixed controller disconnect crashing game Make Controller internal + sealed Remove my #ifdef V_COMPILER_MSVC usage Change InputMotionData to reflect new API Make sure to set the size of svg glyphs Keep current glyph API intact, add new version to control outline Docs, GameControllerExtensions to internal Why the fuck are you there
29 Days Ago
LoadContext.Unload also unloads all it's IsolatedAssemblyContext
29 Days Ago
merge from save248
29 Days Ago
missing material config effect specific to objects using Particle layer already in default state
29 Days Ago
small detailing
29 Days Ago
Fixed left over volume under the ladder area of module_1200x1800_ladder_moonpool
29 Days Ago
merge from pie_menu_phrases
29 Days Ago
merge from tutorial_island
29 Days Ago
merge from toolcupboard_retroskin
29 Days Ago
fixed off grid meshes
29 Days Ago
added stairs near bridge on H2 to help getting up the dock
29 Days Ago
Random npc bodygroup idle should be looping temp lighting and npcs
29 Days Ago
merge from save248 - staging wipe
29 Days Ago
network++ save++
29 Days Ago
block off some areas
29 Days Ago
fixed plywood mossy set having part. layer on by default
29 Days Ago
extended prevent building zone in both harbors with a bias towards the sea S2P
29 Days Ago
merge from Minigun_2024
29 Days Ago
Do not render first person physgun effects during skybox pass Let's try enabling custom activity IDs on client
30 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #10635
30 Days Ago
Automatically upload procedural maps to our backend so that all Rust servers allow players to download maps instead of generating them on first join Downloading the maps is much faster and way less resource intensive Can be disabled by setting server.autoUploadMap to false
30 Days Ago
List pooling
30 Days Ago
Merge Main -> Bikes
30 Days Ago
Added a prefab information to CargoShipTest so it can appear localised and with an icon on the death screen It's currently missing an icon
30 Days Ago
minigun sounds
30 Days Ago
Fixed cranes picking up containers not properly aligning their coliders on the server, leading to flyhacks and bad movement
30 Days Ago
New sprint input networking. Rename smowmobile protobuf to smallVehicle since it's shared with bikes. Network++ Also fixed snowmobile not sending fuel fraction in save/load.
30 Days Ago
Merge from main
30 Days Ago
Minigun Ammo Backpack Textures
30 Days Ago
Fix some server/client stuff
30 Days Ago
Attempted to merge orbital strafe to the end of the strafe run. Couple bugs, needs looked at again
30 Days Ago
Fixed the find scrap tutorial step not working if player finds the hidden crate first
30 Days Ago
Merge from main
30 Days Ago
Smooth out jittery bike steering visuals