223,523 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Months Ago
Fixed Player:SprintEnable not working Also made Player:SprintEnable accept a bool optionally, and added Player.IsWalking minor changes
7 Months Ago
Additional null checks for heli seat owner
7 Months Ago
turned off texture streaming on haircap textures, set all but hairstyle_5 to high compression, tweaked alpha on hairstyle 3 so it doesn't have an obvious seam on the forehead
7 Months Ago
Reimplement cached browser in a much simplier format Submit single query for ping after cached serverlist is downloaded instead of prioritizing pinging servers that are currently visible on screen Add method to VirtualScroll that updates items that are visible Set ping text to '?' every frame until the cache is populated (rather than complicated tasks and callbacks)
7 Months Ago
XL ground kickup experiment working files & scene backup
7 Months Ago
Fix not loading entity prefabs
7 Months Ago
Merge from main -> cached_server_browser
7 Months Ago
Fix editor FirstPersonCamera not obeying dpi scaling Cleaner selection
7 Months Ago
merge from main
7 Months Ago
merge from Attack Helicopter
7 Months Ago
merge from weaponrack_io_display_fix
7 Months Ago
merge from quarry_distance_anim_fix
7 Months Ago
▆▊▆▄▆█▉ ▇▌▊
7 Months Ago
mining quarry - changed direction of scrolling uvs, prefab fixes
7 Months Ago
Noodling with nodes More noodling WIP blueprint node interface Fleshed out NodeType NodeType tweaks Input / output signal support in NodeType Blueprint<T> skeleton Some more example nodes Blueprint node graph modification methods MethodNodeType, refactoring Move blueprints to Sandbox.Engine Basic blueprint test setup Test refactoring, improving graph composition API Big refactor Renaming / reorganizing Some helper methods for adding nodes WIP dealing with dynamic node definitions For example Event nodes that have different output sockets
7 Months Ago
Block chat messages FROM players in tutorial too
7 Months Ago
▊▅▋ ▍▍ ▅▇▌▆ ▌▋▊▋▍ ▋▇ ▌▇▋▇▌▊▋▅▍▋ ! ▄▊█▍▆ ▌▄▊▄ █▍▌▋▆▍▋ #▍▋ ▇▍▅▇ ▇▍▋▊▍▉▊▄█/▉▄▆▄▊▇▇▉ ! ▍▊▅ ▌▇ █▍▊█ ▇▅▋▍▌ ▍▊ ▋▆█▅▊▍█▍▄▍
7 Months Ago
Hide chat messages except for server messages when in the tutorial. Added Chat.hideChatInTutorial replicated convar to toggle this behaviour.
7 Months Ago
▊▊▇ ▉▄ ▇█▌▄ ▄▇▄▇▍ ▇▅ ▍▄▊▉▊▅▇█▋█
7 Months Ago
updated renderLOD settings on quarry track
7 Months Ago
added snow detail normal
7 Months Ago
Add EntityPrefab.JsonValue (replaces Value, which is still there for backcompat) Add Json.ToNode, Json.FromNode Serialize/Deserialize [Property]'s on IPrefabComponent manually Changing prefab interface names
7 Months Ago
Call GetPixels() on backdrop filter props instead of getting Value directly, fixes percentage/fraction-based filters
7 Months Ago
Fix edge case for FindDeepestNodeContainingSpan
7 Months Ago
Ignore SourceLocationAttribute in ILHotload Fix edge case for FindDeepestNodeContainingSpan
7 Months Ago
Add PanelTraversalOverlay (for lack of a better name)
7 Months Ago
Refactor, add ControllerOverlay, so we can add another overlay for panel traversal selection
7 Months Ago
CSS: Better Autogen (#1222) Leaves out nullability changes for a later pain day, but includes layout cascade auto-gen, transition/animation default value handling w/ auto-generated defaults, and guarantees a value for every property in ComputedStyles (although the compiler isn't aware of this yet).
7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
VCS: only tick for panels that want mouse input VCS: fix is-pressed style
7 Months Ago
backup 4 hop
7 Months Ago
crowbar texture update and worldmodel
7 Months Ago
▆█▉▉▋▅ ▅▋▆▍▄▅▋▊ ▉▇▅▇▆▅▋▋▄▉ (▇█▇▋▄ ▄▇▊▉▆▉▋ ▊▍▍▆▊▇ ▋▍▌ ▌▊▅▌ ▌▌█▇▆ █▉█▍▆▆ ▋█▋▆▉▇▉ ▉▅▌▊▅█)
7 Months Ago
trenchknife folder name correction
7 Months Ago
Turn BaseStyles members into a table containing type, default value, and inheritance state, generate BaseStyles.Defaults Auto-generate layout cascading based on inheritance state Use BaseStyles.Default instead of hardcoding defaults Similar to `css-defaults` branch but this does it better - so I'm deleting that in favour of this. Rather than hard-coding the default value every time we fetch it: ```cs var value = Styles.BackgroundColor ?? Color.White; ``` We should be doing something like: ```cs var value = Styles.BackgroundColor ?? Default.BackgroundColor; ``` Provide default values as fallbacks for style transitions, use LerpProperty inside BaseStyles.FromLerp In FromLerp, check if the property we're trying to change is actually changing Prevents us from stomping property changes when a transition is running with `transition: all` if you have an animation running simulataneously Move default styles into `DefaultStyles`, make everything readonly VirtualScrollPanel uses DefaultStyles Only use fallback inside Lerp functions if from/to are null Move null checks into Lerp functions, remove logs Tidy up, use same code path for lerps Refer to default values in docstrings, inherited/cascading values lerp to their initial `from` values if `to` is unset Merge fixes, Name -> TypeName Generate FillDefaults() function, call inside PreLayout.BuildFinal, add Length.Undefined Fix a bunch of defaults (need better way to check if a property is set tho) Add `Style.IsDefault( name )` Bad idea to call FillDefaults here since it will stomp previous keyframes backdrop-filter-hueRotate is backdrop-filter-hue-rotate (oops) mask-position defaults to 0,0 Use IsDefault when necessary inside tests (HasValue will always be true for ComputedStyle properties), only check where necessary (i.e. if we're not also checking the value itself) Scrolling fixes Remove DefaultStyles, internalize IsDefault, FillDefaults, ApplyCascading Handle `overflow` prop defaults separately Use HasScrollY inside panel input Get rid of remaining null coalescing shit - ComputedStyle properties are no longer null ComputedStyles has its own class w/ no nullables, helps clean things up Remove unused, clean up
7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
▋▊█▍ ██▌▆▍▌▋ ▌▋▄██, ▌▉▅▍▇▍ ██▄▉▋ ▌▅▊▆▌▇ ▅█▊▅▍█
7 Months Ago
▆▇▋▋▍ ▊▇▋▌ █▄▄▄, ▉▋▌█ ▍▅ ▉▆▋▇▅▍
7 Months Ago
Start drafting out UI navigation with controller, by traversing panels Refactor so we can switch between panel traversal and virtual cursor based on input Don't revert back to PanelTraversalSystem if analog is empty Add basic working virtual cursor using PanelInput.UpdateMouse Fixed calculation of virtual cursor position Use stylesheet to style virtual cursor, add ScrollSpeed Refactor, virtual cursor as its own rootpanel so we don't add a panel to every root panel we access Disable system if mouse is moving at all Make VirtualCursorOverlay a razor panel Update SteamInput manifest to include joystick inputs for Menu action set Hide mouse cursor while we have controller input active Support processing any number of root panels, make it work in GameMenu Scale ControllerInput.GetAnalog by Input.ControllerLookYaw(Pitch)Speed Scale virtual cursor position movement by delta time, no wonder it felt different on GameMenu Process inputs in MenuDll Remove some direct controller access, use Input.AnalogMove/AnalogLook instead
7 Months Ago
Don't moan about missing voice input
7 Months Ago
Process inputs in MenuDll Remove some direct controller access, use Input.AnalogMove/AnalogLook instead
7 Months Ago
added Trench Knife https://files.facepunch.com/rickgreeve/Trenchknife.jpg
7 Months Ago
Spaghelli M4 and shotgun shell https://files.facepunch.com/rickgreeve/BenelliM4_textures_05.jpg
7 Months Ago
TypeSerializedObject handles editing value types from multiple TypeSerializedObject's Float and integer controls have draggers Fix ControlWidget.Create sometimes selecting wrong types Add AnglesControlWidget RotationControlWidget Added TransformControlWidget Add MarginControlWidget Add RectControlWidget Add BoolControlWidget
7 Months Ago
added snow blend https://files.facepunch.com/jason/1b1111b1/sbox_1g5fWqPdU1.mp4
7 Months Ago
Parent merge
7 Months Ago
Prefab and directory backups
7 Months Ago
Failing test reproducing #1257 Fixed #1257
7 Months Ago
Merge from main
7 Months Ago
Revert the accidental world model scale changes to paddle, pitchfork, wooden spear, stone spear. Keep the actual weapon rack scale override configs.