256,275 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Army Jacket skinning pass
don't use V_vsnprintf in SentryOutput, external code can specify the funky %S format specifiers
Texture2DBuilder.Finish(): correctly check the memory required for texures w/ mips
fix ballpit repel & repeller !release
Backup 2022/07/29 15:50:00 UTC
Cabin Control Revision
-Raised the height of the control panel + lever
-reduced the height of driver chair
-updated prefab
Possible fix for access violation in CreateAnimGraphInstance, although I suspect it's maybe an error in HAnimationGraph networking support
vm molotov cocktail - 2nd pass anims & animator updates
LOD2 rework for exterior
LOD rework for cabin
tweaked trophy nameplate texture again, rendered icon
Use crashpad for fatal errors
Make spam setting speed on PlatformEntity work
(And spam StartMoving, etc)
trophy texture changes, added writing squiggles to nameplate
Added "menuBackgroundTint" to StageMenuData !release
Update steam audio to 4.11 but keep it as dynamic only for the time being since baked is not working :(
resolve more error on connecting to CraggyIsland
Fix editor fullscreen positioning
Launcher position cleanuip
Fixed core layers without specific textures being transparent !release
trophy can be deployed on other deployables (tables, boxes)
Fix filter for addon switcher
advertising board - removed placeholder advert
office desk - removed until fixed
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
massive refactor to finally remove generics from the various AI brain types
Cleaning up native plugin
Remove fallback DX9 code for getting driver version, it's straightforward to grab from the registry by the DX adapter LUID.
This returns the same windows driver version numbers DX9 was reporting, but I've added some vendor specific renames
e.g for nvidia "" becomes "516.59" making it easier to filter by driver for us
rendersystemdx11: stop linking d3d9
rendersystemdx11: stop linking nvapi
LoadD3dCompiler calls Plat_LoadModule without full path ( this is exactly the same way ADJ and we use the same d3dcompiler_47.dll - so hopefully that fixes weird WINE shit )
Replace Direct3D 9 PIX with D3D11 ID3DUserDefinedAnnotation - we're getting a much better list of events in RenderDoc now too
New: https://files.facepunch.com/matt/1b2911b1/qrenderdoc_5uxtBKqZlV.png
Old: https://files.facepunch.com/matt/1b2911b1/qrenderdoc_fcTCgPGtQT.png
- Enable CPixEventScope to record events, these are used to tell us our View / Layer
- Don't limit these events behind Plat_IsRunningOnCustomerMachine() - there is no overhead and it can be incredibly helpful for us having them on Steam builds
Implemented following guidance of: https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/best-practices-gpu-performance-events/
rendersystemdx11: don't link d3dx11 legacy stuff
Fix ErrorReports::UpdateGpu usage from rebase conflcit
Delete dead D3DX dlls
Decrease effect on fall camera
Fixed armour shoes
Revert "office desk - wip"
This reverts commit c500813f83dffc62a407afba54ec9e378ab5700e.
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
office desk - moved to correct folder
Fixed not cancelling CancellationTokenSource on dispose
removed unused molotov prefab
Backup 2022/07/29 09:50:00 UTC
.Addon + reupload + compiled assets
Reuploaded to backend + compiled assets + .addon update
Added colliders made of primitives for the locomotive console and chair, and made them interactable to let the player mount
Add nullcheck in CProceduralWorkingSet_MapReferences::UpdateAssetList
renamed flashbang and molotov world models to match convention
Re-adding the locomotive headlights change from
Merge Main -> Trainyard Update. Kept destination changes for locomotive.entity - will re-do the small change from Main.
switch sentry backend to crashpad
Set error tag stating whether tools, server or game
Add error tag to determine whether running under proton
Lets record what gamemode and map we're crashing in, to see if there's any kind of patterns
Lets set the explicit path to crashpad_handler.exe instead of just hoping
Altered Locomotive design
Cabin Door now always open, and now has a rear access directly opposite front entrance improving flow of traversal
Altered the Collision Mesh to now accommodate the above changes
Re-uv'd UV2 & rebaked AO for UV2 of both the exterior and interior, and adjusted vertex painting. I'll need to change all of this for the lower lods too.
Adjusted all the materials for the above changes.
updated prefab