254,236 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.65cph!

3 Months Ago
Linux: Add an auto-generated SDL_config_linux.h which is specific to my system, but we need to start somewhere. Later, this will be made specific to Steam Runtime.
3 Months Ago
Update documentation for methods in INetworkListener to indicate that they're only called for the host. Add net_fakelag ConVar. It's working for both Steam Networking Sockets and TCP / local instance. Can also be changed in the editor like this https://files.facepunch.com/conna/1b1211b1/sbox-dev_jpOfxVrwEr.mp4 Also commit this important file
3 Months Ago
adjust functionality of solo page
3 Months Ago
Some additional troublesome Vulkan layer disables
3 Months Ago
Initial commit
3 Months Ago
WebSocketEditFeed works!
3 Months Ago
Fixed HE explosion sound
3 Months Ago
Fix bullet bounce colliding with things it shouldnt Fix Player Range upgrades not being applied properly
3 Months Ago
Reduced distance of some weapon sounds
3 Months Ago
Change notifications to a real popup Start putting the party system back together
3 Months Ago
Timer + chain adjustment
3 Months Ago
Added BounceModifier and Bouncy Bullets Item https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/November/12_11-38-QuickwittedKagu.mp4
3 Months Ago
Make flex controller names case insensitive again Optimizations for weapon autorefresh in spawnmenu Fix more potential crash issues to do with particles
3 Months Ago
Reduce memory allocations for navmesh debug draw
3 Months Ago
Removed debug Tweaked prefab rigidbody
3 Months Ago
Fixed pause menu button going mental
3 Months Ago
Crosshair improvements
3 Months Ago
Fix CPhysicsShape::GetScale() to return the correct scale for MeshShapes
3 Months Ago
Fix CPhysicsShape::GetTriangulation() not respecting scale for mesh shapes when calculating triangulation
3 Months Ago
Make lines transparent when sprinting, keep dot if we have one
3 Months Ago
Compressed edit data, WIP websockets
3 Months Ago
Better ground alignment
3 Months Ago
- Successfully made read/write serverside methods for any sync var contained inside an entity - Managed to remove variable ids and rely on constant ordering/reading (sync vars are now cheaper than RPCs bandwith wise) - Pack all sync vars into one packet (might need adjustment) - Cleaned up code - Fixed a bunch of generation errors
3 Months Ago
Broadcast damage/health FX Re-implement damage numbers Fix dungeon generation lag Add simple death state Dead players respawn on next floor Enemies only target living players Fix networking issues with projectiles Fix shadows not showing proper on connected clients Added Player.Living separate from Player.All, fixed NREs when player is dead Add GameManager.LoadFloor(index) Network item inventory Added GameOver UI which displays when all players are dead Reset enemy aggro target after killing player Fix projectiles checking collisions on all clients Game fully resets when both players Ready Up on the Game Over UI https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/November/12_09-45-BleakGalapagospenguin.png Added Spectator UI when you're dead but other players are still alive https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/November/12_09-58-SpectacularGangesdolphin.png Flag certain objects with `dontdestroy` tag. All objects without this tag are cleaned up upon room generation EndFloorTrigger takes the amount of living players instead of all players Fix NRE when spectating player dies Network some GameManager variables + fixed player reviving issues Damage RPCs Improved Generating Map UI
3 Months Ago
Use correct mixer for main menu music
3 Months Ago
Fixed player markers offset
3 Months Ago
Fixed map voting
3 Months Ago
reduce vertex lookups in simplification
3 Months Ago
Fix popup being orphaned when clicked on Set in_editor ub richpresence when in editor Popup supports AboveCenter Stop making the popups red! Friends in footer, delete friends list
3 Months Ago
switched out normal parallel check in simplification with a dirtier cross product based one to remove a couple of normalize calls - 75% perf improvement
3 Months Ago
NetworkSpawn weapons after setting owner so it's sent at once Should've fixed multiple weapons overlaying
3 Months Ago
Linux: Add various hacks/fixes to bring `schemacompiler` up to the link step. THIS MAY BREAK SOMETHING.
3 Months Ago
Cupertino/Penguin: Unmangle SDL in other platforms too, we're trying other platforms and you're still alive
3 Months Ago
chicken coup progress better uvs and mesh. now has hay on the inside too.
3 Months Ago
- Added sync var receive code gen (net read method infered from variable type) - Sync var pooled strings added to manifest
3 Months Ago
[Pick] Use multiplatform SDL config instead of one hardcoded for windows, might make more sense to eventually just use mainline SDL2 entirely
3 Months Ago
Add navmesh bodytype override During edit time (in editor) we change the type of dynamic physics bodys to static. However, for the navmesh generation we need to ignore this change and use the bodytype that will actually be used at game time. We can use this override to set the bodytype that should be used during navmesh generation.
3 Months Ago
Bury empty player corpses with a shovel to place a grave, pay respects at grave to view player name, killer name, born and death dates and times and the name of the player who laid them to rest.
3 Months Ago
Some changes to time sync. Seems to fix Facepunch/sbox-issues#6865 locally. Needs re-test.
3 Months Ago
.Clothing fixes
3 Months Ago
2d Parallax background
3 Months Ago
more cleanup, profiling, and some micro optim
3 Months Ago
Fixed all the mount grenade prefabs, resolve usp bodygroups
3 Months Ago
Another couple of error fixes
3 Months Ago
adjusted strap for improvised shield
3 Months Ago
Sort gamemodes correctly, disabled some modes for now
3 Months Ago
Playtest fixes
3 Months Ago
Fix GetPlayer not always working Include some more data in login response
3 Months Ago
Smoke grenade / rocket WIP.