
106,911 Commits over 3,836 Days - 1.16cph!

7 Days Ago
Bugfix: don't leak looping sounds when quick-switching It's possible that equipped items with sound effects (setup via sound player) can enable-then-disable across 2 frames, before SoundManager picks up the pending play request. If it's a looping sound(like torches burn loop) it would stay alive forever. Now we cleanup the pending requests on disable of sound player. Tests: mousewheel quickswitched between rock and a torch and observed numbers in audio.printsounds - the burn loop is no longer accumulating.
7 Days Ago
removed debug logs
7 Days Ago
Smoothed vendor entry and exit to spline
7 Days Ago
Bradley much less likely to enter a spline when turning or facing a target from behind
7 Days Ago
Update: SoundManager pools internal lists The pooling effect is minimal, but it achieves 2 small improvements: - we don't hold lists in memory for sounds that don't reapper for a while - those can be reused in other parts of the code - audio.printsounds no longer reports 0 active sounds per definintion Tests: On craggy quickswitched between equipped items. Saw the various sounds appear and disapper in the logs.
7 Days Ago
Update: microphone drops any sounds it has accumulated on destroy Tests: tested by playing the flute when exploding the microphone stand connected to a speaker
7 Days Ago
Update: MiningQuarry drops sound assets when destoyed (though it's invulnerable) Tests: none, trivial change (same type of changes as previous)
7 Days Ago
▋▋▅▇▉▇ █▋ ▆▇▍ ▍▌█▅▊ ▍▊▄█▉▅▉▉ ▊▉▅▆▊▄ ▄▉▌▉▇▄▆▍▇▍▊ ▋▍█▊▌▄▍▋▊▄ ▊▉ ▆▄ ▊▆▊▋ ▍▅▆▄▆▇ █▅ ▆▄▅ █▄▆▄▌▋▅▄, ▌▋ █▅▉▍ ▄▇ ▄▊ ▉▋▌▊ ▅█▌█▊ ▋▄▆▋▌▌ ▊▆▄▇▉█▆█ - ▅▋▍█▍▊▅▅▍ ▇█▊▇▇▌▌▌ ▆▇▅▇▄▉▍▊▇ ▍▋▄▍▉ ▆▇▆▋ ▌▆▍▌▋▉▊ ▄▍▆ ▅▉▆█▆▉▆▄▅ ▅▄▆▄▌▊ ▋█▅▄ ▌▆▇▄ ▊▄▊▌█
7 Days Ago
Update: modular car's engine drops all sound resources on disable Tests: blew up a modular car
7 Days Ago
▊▉▇█▋ ▌▋▋▋ ▍▄_▌▄▇▇_▅▆▅▍▍▍▅▌▅
7 Days Ago
Update: AmbianceWaveSounds recycles sounds on disable Tests: none targetted(same type of change as before), but have been live on my branch for 2d while testing and working on other changes.
7 Days Ago
Run the update process on a fresh version of the animator from main, fixes all overrides
7 Days Ago
Update animator script upgrader to replace the animations on the walk and crouch blend trees with their new versions, fixes overrides losing their data when we update from main
7 Days Ago
Switched player_model to use standard animator (it was getting set to this at runtime anyway) Removed some test animator controllers
7 Days Ago
Remove the mention of floating bottles on the load screen tips
7 Days Ago
Disable two scroll rects in the inventory when the inventory is closed, should save about 0.02ms (big gains)
7 Days Ago
▌▇▊▅▋▆ ▋▅% █▌ ▍▆█ ▊▊▆▊▇▊▊▉█▍▆ ▅▍▆▍ ▉▍ █▊▌▆▅▇▋▊▌█▅▉█▋▋▊▍ ▋▆▋▆▌▊▅▄█▇ ▇▍▌▍ ▋▊█▇ ▇█▆▉'▇ █▍ ▉▅▉▍▄ ▆█ █▍▉ ▊▋▊▊▍▊ (▅.▊▄█▋ ▍▉ ▇.▌▍▇█ ▆▊▆ ▍▆▇ ▇█▊▄█▄▌▉▌█ ▄▌▋ ▋▇ ▋▄▌▆▄) ▆▉▊▅ ▄▄▍▄▆ ▆▇▋ ▉▇▆█▄▅ ▆▍▉▅▄▄▆▄ ▆ ▉▅█▉▇ ▋ ▅▅▌▌█▍ ▇▅▌▆▊▅▇ ▇▇ ▉▌▋▍▊ ▇▉▄█▉ ▌▄▋▇ ▌▋▊ ▍▍█▆▇▊ ▉▅▌'▌ ▊▍ █▍▌▊▌ ▄▆▋▉ ▋█▊▅█▆▊ ▍▉▋▄ █▍▅ ▇▌▅▅▆ ▆▌▋▉▌ ▅▄▊ ▍▇▍▇▉▄ ▄▆▉▋ ▅▍▇▍ ▅▆▄▊ ██▋█▌▊▌ ▄▉▋▍▍ ▌▍█▊▊▉ ▊███ ▍▍▌▄▄ ▅▌▆▊█
7 Days Ago
▇▄▍▌▆▇ ▇▊▆ █▅█▌▄ ▍▊▅▋ ▉▆▇▅▋▍ ▄▆▇▇▆▅ ▅▇█▅▋▇▍ ▍▊▍▇▆▌▉▆ ▋▊▋▅▉▅ █▍ ▍▌▅ ▆▄▌▄▍▍█▅ ▇▌▄▊ ▇▊ ▊ ▅▄▊▌▅▇ (▆▊▆▊▊▅.▊▄▊██▇▉▅▍▅▊▍█▌▋▆█▋▄▇▉▌▍▇, ▆▄▋▌▄▇▊ ▇▆▋)
7 Days Ago
▌▋▆▊▌ █▌▅ ▅▅█ ▋▅▉▆▄▋▄▉ ▌▆▍▊▉▍▊▉▋ ▍▇▋▄▄ ▅█ ▆▅▇ █▇▊▄▆█▋▍ ▆▊▄█▄ ▍▅▋ ▊▌▄▊▋▆ ▍▅▆▋▇▇▊▍▅▍▍█▊▆ ▆▆ ▊▅▌▄▇ ▌▊▉▇▋▍▆▉ ▉▆█▉▆▇█▋ █▅▇▆▇▉▅▉▊▇▍ █▇ ▆▍▌▋▌▅█▋█▊███▊▋ (█▌▇▌▋ █▆▄█▌▍▇ ▉▍▋▇▍▌ ▅▇▆▊▌ ▇▆▄ ▄▍█▍▌▍ ▌▇▅▋▄▅) ▊▍▄▌▇ ▍▌▋ ▍▋▋▆ ▉▊ ▆▇▉▋▄▍▉▋█▆▉▉ ▍▄ █▆▌▍ ▇▌▅▆▆▇▆ ▍██ ▄▆▆▆▇ ▆▊▉▋▇ ▋▄ ▉▍'█▋ ▇▌▍▌▇▊ (▍▋▌ ▋█▄▄▅█ ▄.▉▄▋ ▅▍▆▅▋█ ▍█▉▆ ▇▆▆▋ █▄█ ▄▊▅▇▇█) █▊▋▉█▊▌ ▊▉▉ ▅▇▌ ▄▊▅▇█▆▇█ ██▆▆▉▅▍ ▄▌▌▇▋▉▌█ ▄▌█▌ ▊▊▌▊▄▇▊▍ ▌▍▇ ▋▅▄▍▍▅█▆ ▌█▌▊ ▋▊▌▊ ▇ ▆▅▄█▍▇▋ ▌▊▌▆▍▍ ▆▅▅▉▅▆▋▉ ▌▆ ▊▉▊ █▌▄▅▍▅▋▇ ▋▊▌▌ ▌▋▆▅▇▇ ▅▇'▍ ▆▋▉▅▉▊▍▋ ▇▍ ▇▍ ▆▍▌▌▉▌ ▄▆, ▉██▆▊ ▇████▍ █▆▊▅▅▉▍ █▉▋▊▇ ▋█ ▌▉▋ █▇▌▉▄▅█▋ ▆▆▉▅▅ ▉▇▍▄▍▋ ▊▋ ▋▆▉▇▉█▍▅▋ ▋▋▋▊▄ ▄▊██▄▆█▍▆
7 Days Ago
▇█▉█▇ ▉█▊▄ ▋▋▍█
7 Days Ago
Siege tower prefab setup, added ladders, detailed colliders and parenting triggers
8 Days Ago
Check if the last placement error is null or empty before sending it Fix attempt for the occasional empty error toast sent by the server
8 Days Ago
Add `download_demo` command to download list of demo chunks and extract player demos from them - expects a JSON object containing list of files & users to extract from the downloaded chunks
8 Days Ago
Added siege tower Baseline, prefabs
8 Days Ago
Fix flashing being toggled on & off if you press 'F' to focus on player with map open
8 Days Ago
Merge from main -> full_server_demo_client_reader
8 Days Ago
Projectile speed and gravity affected by catapult charge when fired Added 3 placeholder boulder explosion VFXs
8 Days Ago
merge from main - RC
8 Days Ago
Full lighting treatment
8 Days Ago
Compile fix, cleanup
8 Days Ago
▋▌▇▍ ▊▌▋▊▌ ▅▉▊▉ ▉▇▅ █▇▌█▊▇▄▅▆ ▆▇ ▄█▊▋ ▍▅█▍▅▋, ▍▌▄▌ ▉▌██▅▅▆█▌▍▌ ▉▆▆█▋▆▊▇▉▋▅▅▇▉█▄
8 Days Ago
Better physics setup (placeholder wheel movements) Added push intertaction
8 Days Ago
Remove old spline leave code
8 Days Ago
Perform strafe target check before bothering to enter orbit state
8 Days Ago
Prevent Bradley from instantly rejoining spline
8 Days Ago
tweaks to the viemodel reload anim based on feedback
8 Days Ago
Fix wolves jumping to players still in mid air, change sample navmesh method signature to be more intuitive, add owner field to fsm transitions
8 Days Ago
Update: Engine blend loop drops it's sound resources on disable Tests: none, trivial change (same type of change as previous)
8 Days Ago
Update: Tree now drops it's sound resources on client destruction - It also drops the Gain mod when fading out sound loop during fall Tests: cut down a tree, saw relevant audio events in logs
8 Days Ago
More wip
8 Days Ago
Update: Traveling Vendor drops it's sound resources on client destruction Tests: none, trivial change (same type of change as previous)
8 Days Ago
Update: Parachute and Sled drop their sound resources on destroy Tests: none, trivial changes (same type of change as previous)
8 Days Ago
Update: CCTV and SpinnerWheel drop their sound resources on disable/destroy Tests: none, trivial change (same type of change as previous)
8 Days Ago
Update: Sub, Snowmobile, Tugboar and Train drop their sound resources on disable/kill - In Snowmobile's case Ski audio was previously (accidentally?) retained when sim stopped - Train engine used to retain damage and engine reflection sounds (assume an accident/bug) Tests: none, trivial changes (same type of changes as previously)
8 Days Ago
Update: CargoShip drops sounds resources on disable - Also added a couple convenience StopXSound methods, since it has a bunch of different sounds. Tests: none, trivial change (same type of change as before)
8 Days Ago
Update: Ferry drops it's sound resources when disabled Tests: none, trivial change (same type of change as previous)
8 Days Ago
Bugfix: PatrolHeli now releases modulators alongside the sounds Tests: none, trivial change
8 Days Ago
Bugfix: Drone now releases pitch modulator on destruction Tests: none, trivial change
8 Days Ago
Update: Modular Vehicle drops sound resources on destruction Tests: plugged in engine comps on Craggy's spawned vehicle, drove around in it. Put some timed c4 and drove until explosion - confirmed resources got released via logs.
8 Days Ago
Update: Helicopter now drops sound resources when disabled/retired - Also fixed a potential NRE when requesting a sound fails Tests: spawned an attack heli and flew around in it with jumping out at various stages. Also destroyed it to trigger sound recycling.