256,250 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
Catch possible NRE
This isn't needed anymore
Add .source2/ to gitignore template
If package is on disk just use asset directly when dragging into scene
world_update_2 -> radioactive_water
merge from fix_raknet_end_sample -> main
WaterVisibilityGrid fixes
- made it non-static, easier to manage lifetime this way and it should've been owned by the WaterCollision system anyway
- adjusted grid to handle ref-counting, this isn't strictly necessary but is the only way to sanely verify if the system has broken (memory footprint is ~1MB)
- slightly inflated static trigger bounds by an absolute value to manage small noise changes in position that can push it over a boundary
- added a virtual function to EnvironmentVolumeTrigger that lats derived classes run code with a guaranteed trigger collider (some visibility volumes were being missed in OnEnabled from this)
Fix missing EndSample() in Raknet.OnMessage
3rd person reloads with ammo type variants.
Added Dynamic FOV to the Camera, changing when player is running
Center on character when fully zoomed
Player has a Rigidbody so they can be pushed around now. Moving Platforms are awesome now :D
Basic Moving Platform Support
Better Moving Platform Support, allow for rotating platforms
disable serversideragdolls by default due to server stall/freeze
Update: adding a server "itemmanager.enablepooling" convar to control item pooling
- starts off by default
Item pooling is too unstable to not have a dynamic switch - already got bit 2 times by it. Who knows what other horrors are hiding out there.
Tests: enabled after loading craggy, gave an ak - saw an uptick in pool.print_memory telemetry. disabled, despawned ak - no changes in telemetry.
Show active dart modifier effects.
Separate tea/dart effect displays.
merge from world_update_2
Merge: from main/item_pooling
This fixers the NRE on server tick (and blocker for joining).
Tests: loaded a save that consistently produced NREs - not anymore
Bugfix: disabling Item pooling
This causes issues on the server which prevents playing.
Tests: loaded a save that consistently produced exceptions - not anymore.
Expose MethodBinder
Apply code style
Add .git-blame-ignore-revs
Electric particle
Adjust tone mapping
Updated map
Add GetBoneTransforms and GetBoneVelocities to SkinnedModelRenderer
Doesn't make a difference, but run ApplyStoredParameters here
Add ModelPhysics.CopyBonesFrom( SkinnedModelRenderer )
Add Component.Invoke( seconds, action )
Add Renderer.CopyFrom( Renderer )
GameObject.Network.OwnerConnection becomes GameObject.Network.Owner
Add particle editor tool to debug playback in editor https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b1911b1/sbox-dev_gymPdlXVD6.mp4
merge from world_update_2
Merge: from main
Tests: none
increase wood yeild from driftwood - someone may harvest them now
stricter log pile spawn rules
Leaderboard backup, run #
Merge from world_update_2
Merge from world_update_2/merge_main (this brings this branch up to date with main)
Tag hill cliffs as AllowBarricadePlacement
Del duplicated assets (ammunition_test models + shotgun powdery muzzle flash 'iteratecopy')
Merge from world_update_2
Allow debug.ent_find_radius to work in live gameplay (was just demos)
Merge from world_update_2
Fixed NRE when looking at water if radiation water map doesn't exist